House Guest

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I watched as Pearl kept examining Greg's broken van, while Ame leant nearby against the building.

I watched from the safety of Garnets arms as we stood there with her arms wrapped around my waist and me holding her hands positioned there while we swayed from side to side i hummed in content lightly as she gave me a little squeeze, i giggled and nuzzled my back against her some more as she gave me a questioning expression.

" You better not be thinking about taking off like that again." Garnet said as placed a quick peck on my right cheek.

" Oh nah G, she's thinking about taking off again with another gem" Ame teased receiving a grunt from Garnet

Pearl by the looks of it was still looking at the engine of the van " Wow. Those water constructs really did a number on Greg's van. Hmm..." She kept on looking at a broken tube

" Ah, give it a rest, Pearl. That thing will be busted forever." Ame said

" Yeah i have to give it to Ame, i agree." I say adding on

" I completely disagree. It's just a simple human machine. I'm sure that I can figure this whole thing out before you know it!" Pearl told us

" Hey guys!" I heard Steven say

Steven walks in, as Greg scoots over on a movable chair with a hockey stick while carrying a toolbox.

" Zoop! I got something that will patch this van up real good!" Greg said as he looks inside the toolbox

Pearl gasps " Is it some kind of complex human tool?"

" Yup, high-quality duct tape!" We watch as Greg shows Pearl a roll of duct tape " Some well placed duct tape can patch anything up in a pinch, see?" He said as he points to his broken leg, with a ruler duct-taped to it

" I'm sure that I can fix this without your 'tape'." Pearl said

" Well, gee, at least let me give you a hand." Greg said as he struggles to stand up

" Greg Universe! you better be careful, sit your hind quarters down this instant!" I shouted out at him as Greg fails to stand and he sighs nervously " Ah, I'm sorry that your leg got hurt this badly and that your van got smashed up like that all because of me." I said with a side look

Greg waves his hand in dismissal and looks towards me grinning " You apologize too much. I shouldn't have tagged along on that crazy adventure anyway. But at least I got to spend some time with my fave son!" He said chuckling as Steven hugged him

" What if you stayed with us until you got better?" Steven asked

" Hey, that's a great idea! But, won't I get in the way of your training-" Greg said getting cut off

Pearl quickly interrupts " Yes!"

" Wait a minute honey, don't you remember? you still have your healing powers now?" I asked while rotating my hips so that they were gently grinding against my lovers

Pearl smiles nervously " Oh, right, yes! Steven you fix Greg, I'll fix the van." She mumbles under her breath ' Nobody has to live with us.'

Steven gasps " Yeah! Mm-hmm! Here goes something new and exciting." Steven licks his hand " And... go!" He pats his saliva-covered hand on Greg's broken leg "Okay, you should be better now."

" Okay, if you say so." Greg said as he tries to stand up, but fails again

" Why didn't it work?" Steven asked

" Hey, sorry, buddy. Maybe you just need a little more practice." Greg reassured

" Yeah honey, practice makes perfect." I added on

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