Future Vision

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paper WHY! WHY YOU CUT ME! so for the last few days iv'e been getting paper cuts all over my hands and i dont know why!

paper why you hate ME! i love you take care of you so u no crinkle or rip and this is how you treat me! *crys in corner*

i don't even know how im even able to type this. ehehehehehe. well this hurts like hell so i cant draw or type any moor for a wile. *crys even more* bye bye

Can't believe I had to go on a mission this early, well it isn't early anymore. It was though!

Weellllllllllll I'm done with capturing the corrupted gem and i am just relaxing in the snowy tundra. Exploring and such.

It's quite a nice temperature change honestly.

"I hate this."

Wrapping my arms around myself a shiver went up my spine, I shivered as a sense of dread rolled over my form. The wind ruffled my dark blue locks as well as the dark leaves on the trees.

I wish i had one of the other gems with me.

Maybe venturing alone in the Forest at 'night' was a bad idea.

Stars, why did I even?

I practically sleep and wander around the forest in my room in the temple, despite being absolutely controlled in there i still at random times got a chill.

Though this time, strangely, I felt like I wasn't alone. That someone....or something was watching me, oh that's got shit rolling now!

My hunch was right when I suddenly heard a loud rustle in the nearby bushes. I quicky spun around, before summoning my staff for a defensive perspective.

"Alright..whose there?!" I demanded threateningly

The bushes became still again causing me to stiffen and raise your weapon up, preparing to swing it as soon as the..whatever it is jumps out at me.

My eyes widened when i saw what looked like two, tiny, blue dots that were peering out of the bush.

Then I heard a low growl before a massive blur of blue, white, and grey lunged towards me. I shouted a string of curses a and swung my weapon at the creature.....but then it had vanished.

" Huh..?" Confused, I looked around, but didn't see the creature in sight.

" What the f-"

" Grrrr..." A growl cut me off

Gasping, I snapped my head around to see the creature ster from before standing right in front of me. Since I could now see what it- or they were, I examined their features.

For one, they was entirely covered in light green fur. Their head looked like a dragon of some sort, though they looked more like a lizard in general since they didn't have wings. Just a long, tail.

A Corrupted Gem- i thought that Garnet said there was only one though?

" Your a gem? O-Or well you used to be one, what happened to you- are you alright?" You asked, tilting my head slightly.

The gem looked up at me, a bit shocked.

To answer my question, they slowly nodded. " Oh cool...and um...sorry for nearly attacking you with my staff." I apologized, scratching the back of my head and unsummoning my weapon.

" I thought for sure you were gonna poof me or shatter me cause I'm, you know...a gem too."

The creature shook -I'm taking a wild guess here- her head, she then started to walk away slowly.

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