Secret Team

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Steven, Ame and I were hanging out inside her room in the Temple. I waded in the big 'puddle' of water as we watched Steven climb a junk pile beside us and steps on a Bass Fish Toy, causing it to sing 'Fishing for Compliments'

Steven giggles " Cannonball! " He plunges into the puddle " Amethyst, Mom, did you see? I think that was my best one!"

" Eh. You need to put more 'ball' in your 'cannon'." Ame said as i bit my tongue grinning at that comment

Steven then looks down " Is that gonna hurt?"

" Not if you do it like... THIS! " She suddenly shape shifts into a ball and jumps into the puddle, causing a huge splash making me yell out in surprise as i get washed away

Steven climbs back to dry ground, laughing " That was awesome! I want to jump in some more puddles."

I emerge from the water with Ame clingying to my leg " Okay." She said as she used one arm to point to different puddles " You can try this one... or that one."

Steven sees a small puddle next to him " What about this one?"

" Whoa, honey! Wait! Don't!" I yelled out as Ame flopped off of my leg

Steven dunks his head into the puddle.

" Ame!? Do Something!" I shouted as she nodded and quickly dunks her hand in and pulls Steven's head out of the puddle.

Ame looked at him nervously " Only Garnet is allowed in there!-" I coughed with a hand on my hip " And Sugar Mama....Let's do something less dangerous." I nodded as she looks around

" Why don't you jump off that?" Ame asked as she points to a towering junk pile

" Whoa. How do you even stack your stuff that high?" Steven asked

" It's a talent."Ame said smirking as i winked at her making her to lose eye contact with me

"I'm this close to falling in love with you" Ame said bluntly while putting her hand out with her fingers nearly touching

" Ame, your fingertips are literally touching." I say confused

" Exactly." Ame laughed, i blushed and looked back up at Steven

Steven grunts as he proceeds to climb towards the top of the junk pile. He then looks down from atop, seeing Ame and me standing next to a puddle.

" Do it!" Ame shouts

" Go for it honey!" I shouted

" Amethyst, Mom, I hope you're ready! 'Cause here I... Goooo- " He jumps off the pile, and hits a tire along the way " Unh! Aaaaah!"

He plunged into the puddle, as i jumped up cheering with Ame

" He's crazy!" She said

" Atta Boi!" I said

We high fived " Good to have you back Indy..." Ame smiled at me

I had my mouth agape slightly " You said" She chuckled before moving in closer to me, i had slipped down to my knees after i jumped up cheering loudly before.

Ame placed a hand onto my cheek as i looked at her confused and mind blank she moved closer towards my face and our lips were just inches apart, my eyes widened and i quickly pulled back making her stumble back surprised and embarrassed.

" I-I'm so sorry!!?" She shouted

" It's o-okay Ame, no harm done..." I said while hugging myself

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