Time With Ame

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I sat on the railing with my legs kicking back and fourth as i gazed out at the ocean infront of me the whole ocean and i have never explored it, why is that? I've noticed that i have barely made an effort to get to know the grounds of Beach City.

I mean, i know of plenty of places but i never have actually gotten a closer look at them.

Its like when i was still HomeWorld, okay well not really like it. It's more of the opposite, i made sure that i scavenged around the WHOLE place i had to know and see everything for myself.

I inwardly chuckled.

I remember dragging lavender around with me when i heard about a new kindergarden that recently got in the works she made me sit down and do all of the paper work or whatever for the next whole day, i managed to get Sweetie to slip her way into my chamber to help me out which she just teased me about before helping me overall it all.

I miss Lavender...And i miss My Sweetie, is it creepy and wrong to say that i may or may not wish i had a sliver of there gem from way back when they got shattered...Is it possible that they didn't get shattered? i mean...maybe they're still alive and i left them all alone with White on HomeWorld, alone, cold, scared!!

Oh my stars they could still be out there! And i left them behind!

I rubbed the back of my neck when i heard an obnoxious cough from beside me i looked over and Ame, she sent me a smirk and winked at me...

" What are you doing?" I asked looking back out at the waves, Ame groaned and sat on the railing beside me leaning her head on my shoulder

" Spend. Time. With. Me!?!!!" She yelled in my ear making me tumbled back in surprise, with a thud i was sitting on the ground glaring at her.

" You only had to ask...NOT YELL!" I growled as i stood up.

Ame snickered and gripped my hand tightly before dragging me off to who knows where...

We ended up walking right through a group of non-natives.

Two kids walked on up to us

" Hello there unclean one! i can see every bit of your impurity!" This child said smiling up at me

" Say what!?" I asked raising my voice, offensive!

" Whats wrong? is something bothering you unclean one? are you not feeling well?" The darn child asked

I growled and smacked the boys head as Ame laughed her ass off

" Ya brat! what right do you have to be calling me unclean!?" I yelled stomping my foot

" Ahh!!!~ an unclean one touched me!" He yelled running off

" We need to go and get purified!" The other brat yelled

I was about to after them but AMe clung to my arm tearing up from laughing too much

" NOOOOoooooooooOOOOOoooooOOOOoooOOOOooooooOOOOooooo!" She whined out laughing at the end

I huffed and looked away from her

" Well...Your not 'clean' so they weren't lying" Ame mumbled before dragging me off to some other place...this happened for the rest of the day, i was tired. sore. wanting to cry and just completely over everything.

We stopped.

" You alright?" Ame asked

I sighed out with a tired chuckle and gave her a sad smile " No."

I couldn't read her expression...

" Your always okay though?" Ame said not even sure about the word coming out of her own mouth

I chuckled and ruffled her hair " Haha, i sure am. Lets get on with our bonding time then, shall we?" I give her a wide smile and we were off again.

Ame casted a few glances here and there still unsure.

We soon enough were sitting on the cliff edge past the fence and behind the light house

I gazed down with tired eyes, i don't know why i am so suddenly tired but i dont like it and it is affecting my mood. I miss Sweetie...My Sapphire.

Ame was leaning her head against my shoulder with her eyes closed.

" ~ I am happy, you are happy Let us be happy together Whether the weather is cloudy or sunny I will always be your Funny Honey Bunny ~ " I started grinning slightly

" ~ I am lucky, you are lucky Let us get lucky together Whether the weather is cloudy or breezy I'll be there to say 'Hey, come on, let's take it easy' Cause isn't it nice to have the friends that you do? And isn't it nice that the sky is so blue? And isn't it nice to say 'I love you'? ~ " She continued with a blush, i gained a tint and sent her a gentle cheeky smile

" ~ Chugga-Chugga, Choo-Choo Wooo! Wooo! I am smiling, you are smiling...~" I went on

" ~ Let us smile together Whether the weather is cloudy or stormy I will still be there in the morning I'll be right by your side in the morning I'll make you breakfast in the morning I hope that you like cereal! ~ " Ame finished and we both laughed

We saw Pearl down below and we waved, she seemed to be saying something? we can not hear though?

We looked at each other staring into each others eyes.

" You've got a nice shade of purple" She complimented and i laughed which got her to chuckle

" Come on you, we better go see what Pearl wants." I said before standing up shaking a tad, Ame got up but almost tripped on a rock she bumped into me and i went tumbling off of the cliff i could hear Ame yelling and her panicking, I sighed and crossed my arms getting ready for the impact to come.

This Might Hurt.

I made contact with the sandy ground i had made a decent hole in the ground at least, i groan and layed there with a pained expression

" Indy!? Oh my, are you okay? how did you not get poofed?!" Pearl started rambling as i stood myself up

" I'm a tough one to shatter..." I say rubbing my shoulder

I saw Ame running over to me so i pulled her to my side and got her into a choke hold while holding a stoic expression.

" You. Are. So. Dead. To. Me." I said coldly and letted her go and started stretching

" I am going to go call it a night..." I say softly before making my way towards and into the temple, almost immediately forming back to my original form and layed there amongst the mass of trees

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