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I look around only seeing darkness..i only remember being crushed by a huge asf rock and then blacking out...I look down at myself and see well i see myself but not myself, its confusing i know but...?

I want to wake up but can't if that makes any sense.

Well uh i dont know what to say now...I should be like 'oh heres the perfect time to say something totally inspirational and relatable to keep my old self alive or to like keep you ready this' right?

Let's start off with something that i have found out within my lifespan...Besides the obvious difference, there was not much distinction between losing a best friend and losing a lover. It was all about intimacy. One moment, you had someone to share your biggest triumphs and fatal flaws with. The next minute, you had to keep them bottled inside. One moment, you'd start to call her to tell her a snippet of news or to vent about your awful day before realizing you did not have that right anymore. The next, you could not remember the digits of her phone number....Mainly directed to the modern day users obviously....

Uh lets see, I hope there are days when your coffee tastes like magic, your playlist makes you dance, strangers make you smile, and the night sky touches your soul. I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive...I am leggit full of helpful quotes now arent i.

hahaha I never noticed that ti'll now...

Become more in tune with yourself. Your true self. The self beneath the name, the clothes, and the personality. The self that radiates your essence. That thrives within the silent mind. That sees beyond all physical barriers and labels of the world. Once you find this self of yours, there is no more need to search, but instead moments of endless blissful discovery.

I am like a waking tumblr.

I close my eyes and open them to find myself being stood over by a figure that i had grown to love and cherish who battles against Steven for the top spot in my heart, Garnet.

I let a smile flourish onto my features as i see her smiling sadly at me, I am pulled into a hug to which i return generously.

" Never scare us-me like that again you hear me? you didnt get poofed so i knew that you werent that hurt but seeing you unconscious made everything worse, I understand what you feel like when i get hurt now..." She continues rambling so i just shut her up with a sweet kiss

" I love you too Garnet" I say giggling

She blushes embarrassed before picking me up bridle style and carrying me up to the upper level and placed me down onto Steven's bed as she curled me up against her form.

She peppers me with kisses as i can't help but feel the heat rise to my cheeks and look to the side but she just continued her assault and me just laying there trapped until i felt her plump lips pres up against mine which forces me to kiss her back in return our mouths in since with each others as we continued slightly getting heated and more intimate as we pulled back, goofy grins and flushed features.

" Not now or here Garney" I giggled out as she pouted and nodded understanding that we could not do 'it' on Stevens bed and even if we did she was fully aware that he would come back within the hour.

" One day love bug, one day" She said still kinda pouty as we cuddled and kissed whispering sweet pillow talk to each other as i started to drift off to sleep...

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