Mature & Immature

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Indy held a tearful Steven on cradled up on her lap lightly petting his hair and running her index finger along his cheek to wipe away his stray tears that freshly sprung to his puffy tired eyes and slided down his red flushed cheeks, he whimpered slightly and it broke her heart to see him this broken. She knew one thing though...Once She Found Connie, She would give that lil girl a talking to but...Kevin, That Teen Jerk Was Dead.

Indy's POV

"Well...cause baby the truth is that everyone leaves by choice or because they have to, you cant stop that and you cant stop living your life because your scared. it dosent matter i someone leaves it matters how long they chose to much effort they put in. everyone leaves hun, everyone. i know it dosent make the beginning or the end any easier but you always have the middle, you have all the accomplishments and the fun and ...all the good moments and the bad ones too...when days get really hard even the bad memories give you comfort because you remember all the good moments that came from them. Hun you cant be scared of life you have to live it bury your soul to the world thats the beauty of it, you dont know whats going to happen. i know thats the scary part but thats also the great part...your gonna be okay its all gonna be alright, i know its scary now and your afraid, its okay to be afraid life showed you that and ive always been scared for everything and everyone i just ...i feared the worst in people but one day life showed me that thats what happen your gonna meet bad people and your gonna understand thats why natural disasters are named after them, theyll take the most beautiful places and turn them ugly because youll go there you think of them and the hurt they cause. but hun we all grow up we all get older and we forgive even when we don't realize that we are forgiving one day you wake up and it dosent hurt as much. yes it will always be there but its not the same sometimes thats a good thing sometimes that's the est thing that could ever happen just know that where ever you go or whatever you do or whoever you become somebody loves you, dosent even matter if its now or if its tomorrow or if its a year from now someone loves you and or someone is waiting to love you. somebody is waiting to show you all they have, maybe this situation isnt working out for you now but maybe the next one will. i know that they say that there isnt always tomorrow and i guess they're right there isn't but at the same time there is, despite all the bad things that happen in your life you have to be content with it because it is your life regardless and you only have one as far as we know...just go out there, just...have fun kid."

I heard sniffles and looked over my shoulder to see that Ame was on the couch looking up and over at us with teary eyes, Garnet sat beside her with a hand covering her mouth as a sad smile peaked out at the corners now...Pearl...she stood in the temple doorway hugging herself as tears slid down her cheeks, she looked....proud? thats a first.

I looked at Steven and saw that he had fallen asleep...aww my poor baby...I gently slipped him under the covers and gave him a goodnight kiss on his forehead whispering a 'nighty night my gorgious son' and as i gazed at his peaceful expression i let slip a gentle smile play on my face as i properly tucked him in and got down to the lower level, i looked at the others and rubbed my arm nervously.

" did i do good?..." i mumble out and got instantly tackled down by Ame who blew her runny nose on my shoulder making my eye twitch but i just took a deep breath and struggled to sit up her plopping down onto my lap.

"yes, you did." Garnet said as she rubbed her cheek smiling at me with that 'special smile' that i would shatter for. I blushed and smiled back at her "you did a-amazing Indy, absolutely amazing...i didn't know you could sound so mature?" Pearl chuckled out which i just shrugged at with a warmer smile than before " i dont like to sound like that often." i stood up making Ame fall with a 'thud' onto the ground giggling, i stretched and made my way towards the the front door while rolling my shoulders. "someone has to go with you Indy, i dont want you making it back after Steven wakes up. your most likely heading out to the city." Garnet told me

"where are you going?- C-can i come?" Ame stumbled after me

" i just need some air is all..." Ame slowed her pace as Pearl placed a hand up " I'll go with you Indy. I think i would like to get to know you better and w-we dont usually 'hang out' much"

I chuckled under my breath and nodded, she smiled slightly and stepped to stand beside me. We left side by side heading to the bus station and onto the first bus that arrived.

" where ARE we even going Indy, if you don't mind me asking i mean?" Pearl said carefully.

"haha, we are heading out to Down Town Shell City! its the most rowdiest place in the area it has all the latest trends, beats, news and just everything is so up to may look shady and not your type of place to be in but, willing to give it a try?" i look at her hopingly.

' its for her' pearl thought and smiled while nodding, I laughed and cheered causing the driver to shush me.

"okay so first off we need to look the part...shape shifting clothe right now for both of us, got it?" Pearl looked hesitant but agreed anyway as a light engulfed the back side of the bus we got to our stop.

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                   PEARLS OUTFIT

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We stepped off the bus to hear catcalls almost immediately, Pearl began to get nervous so I gripped her hand tightly in my own, this action to caused her to gain a teal blush on her cheeks and a smile on mine. " so others wont get any ideas" i simply said and we started our night out with me pointing people and places out.

"okay so that there is a soft butch, they're basically a lesbian who leans more masculine, but also has some feminine traits while a stone butch- who is that fine lady over there!- is a very masculine lesbian" I explained out expertly, she gasped lightly and nodded trying to remember everything "if i forget can you e-explain it all to me again later?...'not to mention this will give me more of a chance to spend time with her uninterrupted'" Pearl thought/said, i nodded cheerfully...


The two ended up at a club and had a few dances

Indy had a few drinks

Pearl sat by counting and watching

Indy acted like a child who had too much sugar

Pearl acted like the supporting partner while laughing

They chatted like they were best friends...

And they had a night out on the town.

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