Keep Beach City Weird

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I've decided that I will go along as normal but, Garnet is off limits.

I can flirt. I can tease. I can play. I can not touch.

I watch Steven run up to the house, fleeing from me and the other two.

" Pearl!" Steven yelled

I see Pearl rush outside the house with her spear, ready for combat " Hyungh!"

" Help me, save me, help me!" Steven jumps up and clings onto Pearl " Saaave meee!"

Me, Garnet and Ame, who are shapeshifted into Steven along with myself rwach up the steps and start running around Pearl while laughing.

" What on Earth?!" Pearl shouted

Steven pokes Pearl's forehead " Tag! You're it."

" Care to explain- Ugh!" Pearl starts but Steven puts his finger in Pearl's mouth, and she quickly pulls away. " ...What's going on here?"

" It's Steven Tag!" I said with cheer

" Steven tagged you, now you have to turn into Steven." Ame said

" It's the rules." Garnet says

" Ugh. Oh, please." Pearl said, buzz kill

Steven sighs disappointed " Awww, no fair!"

" Sooooo, that means we're out of players." Ame said as she turns to me " Get ready for Steven Tag Advance!" She tries to tackle-tag me, I silently gasped while dodging it and hid behind Garnet

Garnet grabs her and throws her up into the sky. Garnet then leaps up and slaps Ame back downwards.

" Tag." Garnet said bluntly

" Wwaaaahhh!!" Ame yelled as she crashes onto the beach

Steven, me, Garnet and Pearl look over from the house porch at Ame, lying in a crater in the sand.

Ame gets up " Ungh..."

Garnet smiles " Garnet wins."

I smirked and got close to her ear " Wonder what i could give you as a prize~" i purred watching her stiffen as i back away giggling quietly

I shape shifted back to my lazuli self and went inside with Pearl close behind, we got inside and just potted around for awhile just waiting for something to happen.

" Hey Pearl?" I asked with a head tilt

" Hmm? Yes, what is it Indy?" She asked while looking directly at me. Giving me her full attention

" Are you a camera?" I asked smirking

" No, I am not. Why are you asking me that?" She asked confused

" Because every time I look at you, I smile." I said while smiling softly

Pearl blushed brightly and covered her mouth before looking to the side " W-Well, thats nice of you to say"

I giggled and she gave me a flustered shy smile-

Ame coughed obviously annoyed

" Flirt with me Sugar Mama if your gonna do it at all" Ame huffed

I rose a brow at her and smirked wider.

" Aww Ame, whats got your panties in a bunch this time?" I asked slyly

Ame laughed and poked her tongue out at me, which i copied.

" So, did you get caught off hand by the whole...?" Pearl asked not sure of how to phrase it but i just shrugged.

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