Dear Readers,

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I thought it would be cool to keep a little diary entry of sorts as I document my progress for this story. You don't have to read this, just skip on.

If you're still here, hey - maybe my entries will make you laugh, quirk an eyebrow or slap your knee and shout "RELATABLE" - I dunno :P ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

June 13th, 2020

I think this is going to end up being a short story...I dunno we shall see. I'm honestly not entirely sure where this story is headed but somehow I've written a total of 7 chapters today.

Hopefully, I have the motivation to finish this (lol). I don't even know what the purpose of this Author note is.

Oh yeah...please read at your own risk. If you clicked on it - thanks dude, I hope it doesn't suck.

Aight, see ya.

- Johnny (feeling tired)

June 15th, 2020

So I got a little more done today, like three more chapters? I finally figured out the climax for my story and I made one funny scene (or at least I found funny - watch y'all find it dumb) so that made me a little more excited to post!

I also officially posted today, because I found that if I didn't I'll just never do it so

         > Heyyyy reader's how you doin' (if you get this reference you're officially a friend of mine) COMMENT IF YOU GET IT

Also today I discovered these things!!!!

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Like what the fuck - it's so cool! Also don't even think that I tried for a second to recreate this on my own...hell NAH. We have google and ctrl + C (or for you lame mac users Command + C)

- JOKEs no hate - I have an iPhone  ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

Aight that's all for today, see ya on the flip side

- Johnny (feeling rejuvenated)

June 17th, 2020

Do you believe in miracles....because I do, after yesterday? I managed to write around 7 chapters and was on a grind. Idea's kept popping up and I added more plot elements to make my story a tad more interesting and funny!

Oddly enough, I wasn't digging this story and the plan I had for it. But as I started to write, I was able to mould characters and events into something of my liking!

As writers do you have a scene and find yourself making four different drafts, each with a different outcome to see which one would work best? No? Just

Short note but here are another two chapters. Thanks for reading and see ya on the flip side.

- Johnny (feeling powerful)

June 19th, 2020

Another two chapters uploaded today - starting to question if I'm going to fast, or if the pace is too slow. It's also hard to switch from different POV without feeling like you're skipping through a lot or explain events in excessive detail...does that make sense?

Fun fact: I spilt 5 drops of iced coffee on my laptop's keyboard (on the right side)...and that managed to mess up my entire left side of the keyboard - so then I proceeded to take it all apart - and SOKE IT IN SOAP WATER (this is actually what you're supposed to do apparently, according to a tech guy I know) and it still doesn't work. SO here I am using a temp computer, with a small ass keyboard and making typos every three letters.

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