Chapter 2

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"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong".

- Edward Aloysius Murphy Jr.

Chapter 2: Flames of stupidity 

Red... when this words pops in your head or was being mention by someone, one word would always connects with it.. Blood. And you also know that blood isn't the only red in this world, there's also fruits such a tomato and apple. Flames, flames has the color of red, deep red, amber and burning, we are afraid of fire but there are some who are attracted to fire ... do you wonder why?.. here's why..

Fire is hot when you touch it but when you step far away from it you would see the beauty it possesses, the way the flame dances and paired up with its sparks, the smoke that would appear and twirl around it before going upwards is a very enchanting view.

they are many people that would appreciate the view of a dancing flame, and peyton was once one of them, yes she was, but now she isn't.

Because this beautiful element was the reason she doesn't have any family anymore, and will be the reason she would perish in this world.

peyton stared at the hallway of their school building, the once white and grey theme was now starting to turn into black, the cool temperature of their hallway became warm, no warm is not the best description to what she's feeling right now, it was beyond warm, it was hot, she was burning, her skin is starting to feel the hotness of the element and she wonders how hadley feels because hadley was inside the building since the start of this accident.

covering her nose using her forearm, she struggles to cross the burning obstacles that would land in front of her, she sharpens her ears to try searching for a very familiar voice. and she succeed

"Peyton! help me please!" peyton without hesitation followed the voice and she stops in front of the art class, 

Peyton was about to enter the room when a hand grasp her wrist, startled she turns around and was greeted by a face she never thought she'll see again.

it belong's to the man that distracted the cashier, ah right, she was right it is him. he was the reason why she needed to kiss the dry lips of the cashier lady.

"are you insane? the room is impossible to enter!" his voice was cold but a hint of concern could be detected and peyton didn't know why he cares, for all she knows there's only one person that she ever interacted with.

"peyton? are you there? pleaseeee help me" peyton turned her attention towards the room. and closes her eyes thinking possibilities and consequences that might happen to her once she decided to choose one.

"peyton lets get out of here" she opened her eyes and stared at the man, the once cold eyes turned into desperation, peyton was confuse and she could not deny that she felt happy hearing someone else shows such emotion that hinted towards her.


"peyton please it hurts"

"i'm sorry" she isn't a genius like how everyone describes her.

"peyton no!" she pulled his hand off her wrist and entered the room, a sharp burning pain immediately greeted her, but she doesn't care.

what hurt her the most was the cries of the only person she love.

"hadley" peyton called and roam her eyes around, woods that had been burned were laying on the floor yet still engulf in fire, the curtains are were already burned and the statues are now blacken because oft the flames.

one figure immediately attracted her attention.

"hadley" she said in a alarmed tone, half of hadley's face were red and bubbles were starting the appear and hr skin is beginning to tear, she looks horrible but peyton didn't say anything and blankly rushes towards her

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