Chapter 45

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"I enjoy it when the world smiles; the more smiles, the warmer I am."
― Dejan Stojanovic

[Lilith Avaleon]

I suddenly felt something bright hit my eyes, i slowly opened it and immediately closes it back when i was greeted with bright light from the sun.

i slowly opened my eyes and rubs them gently and stared ta the window slightly squinting.

it's already morning and i still feel sleepy.

we have been staying in this land for three days now four and i still haven't gain any connections from the other nobles.

signing i slowly sit down and stretches.

i wonder when will i meet deicide?

i hope as soon as possible, i don't want another life to go away again.

i stood up and roam my eyes around the room.

the walls are painted in rose pink and the furniture are while and was painted with sakura flowers.

i silently pick up the brush and comb my hair while still examining the room.

fresh aroma of jasmine flowers lingers in my nose. i walk towards the window and move the curtain to help the sunlight enter the room.

i stared at the outside and gently opened the window and got greeted by a gentle breeze that joyfully embraces my body and the sunlight that softly kisses my skin.

the noises from the outside enters my ear and i smiled at the sight of the lively town.

i heard a soft whine on the other side of the room and I immediately turn my head to stare at the source and saw Ethan still sleeping with a frown on his face while both of his hands covers his face.

a smile blossomed on my face when i say ezu turn towards ethen ad gently and pulled him and made his head hide in her chest while softly coaxing him to sleep.

i giggle quietly and stared back at the town and sigh dreamily.

today is another warm day.

i observed the townsfolk doing their business below for a minute before going to the bathroom to take a shower.

After showering i pick up the dress that ezu bought for me.

it's a white blouse with sleeves that reaches my arms and hides my neck and has a pretty yellow small flowers resting on the left side of my collarbone and was paired with blue lace that circles around my shoulders. causing it to look like a necklace.

The yellow skirt reaches my knee and it has tiny blue flowers on the bottom. i wore the white gloves and the doll shoes.

i brush my hair and let it fall on my body not bothering to tie it and walk out the room and silently closes the door.

i wonder where's the other occupants? it's actually a bit lonely without talking to the other people who are also staying in this place.

when i reach the downstairs i saw xavier talking to three men... they re one of those adventurers that thanked me.

Lucas, Charles and ajax.

the four of them stared at me and i automatically smiled at them causing them to lightly smile back at me.

"good morning"

"good morning lilith"

my eyes roam around and i notice that lev is still isn't around.

Suzue ReedWhere stories live. Discover now