Chapter 10

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"He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior."

- Confucius

Chapter 10: The Duke's Daughters

"Haha you mean father made you cry Suzue?" I nod vigorously and smiled back at her lazily ignoring the protesting adult opposite to us.

"Yeah, he's so mean that time my lady, and when i first meet him i thought he was a pedophile, he keep on staring at me, it was very creepy"

Hearing her laugh again made me smile, we are currently sitting on a tea table located in the garden having our pwn tea party.

Lady lilith was making me share my experience with the duke and i immediately agreed if that is the only way to make her smile and laugh.

"There was also one time when i invited him to play tag, it was really unfair i was running and he was just walking, so to make everything fair i blindfolded him"

She stared at me expectantly..

Man, she's so cute... I bet she received many engagement proposals before being engaged with the prince.

"So did you won?" I smiled grimly and heave a sigh.

"I didn't, it made his competitive spirit rose more, it was my biggest regret"

She chuckles and pats my hand which is resting on the table lazily, cheekily i intertwined our hands causing her to blush.

Probably she was lacking with physical interaction... Well it would make sense since the duke said that she's immersing herself with royal studies.

"Did you know that the duke hates spicy food the most..." I said making her focus all her attention towards me a sign that my distraction successfully distracted her.

"When i accidently gave him a spicy pastry he glared at it for the whole day causing all the holy maidens and visitors that passes by shivers in fright, he looks very childish that time"

He laughs again making me grin.

I'm actually not a clingy person but this girl has this kind of aura that's makes seems pulling you towards her and made you unknowingly attracted to her.

My eyes shifted towards another presence that suddenly appears, it's a knight with a stoic expression.

"Your grace, my lady ,young miss sorry for intruding but the head butler from the mansion informed us that the crown prince is visiting"

"Oh" my expression become disappointed when the expression that i successfully stitched on lady lilith's face become undone and went back to what it used to be.

I silently clicks my tongue and stood up when the father and daughter stood up.

I let go of the lady's hand and inserted it inside my training pant's pocket.

And followed them on their way to the gate.

"He must be there for your dancing lessons" Duke ceases the silence and when i heard i once again clicks my tongue and i felt pain on my head making my pout listlessly.

"Oh he might be making up for his absence the other day" lady lilith said while still having that ugly smile on her face, we stop in front of the carriage, when a knight attempted to help her step inside the carriage i stopped him and steals his job .

"My lady" i lazily said and places my hand in front of her, she lightly chuckles and accepted it with a light curtsy and i help her ride the carriage.

Suzue ReedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon