Chapter 26

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"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science."
― Albert Einstein, 

Chapter 26: mysteries

A month flew by and nothing interesting happened, kai and I always meet when i'm practicing alone in the field, he would stare at me and sometimes practice with me, the atmosphere would always be silent and peaceful and i can't get enough with it.

it has been a month and i notice has been acting weird, she would suddenly cry in front of me and sometimes would trip ion her own.

I felt really uncomfortable around her these days so i keep on avoiding her just like now,

i leaned  on the wall and silently listened to her footsteps, i can feel her shadow fidgeting and shaking in irritation, when i felt it move towards my direction my breath hitch and i immediately turn around to leave only to bump to a hard wall-

or chest.

i was about to raise my head to stare at the owner when he held my wrist and pulled me inside a room, i tried to punch him but he caught my wrist and pinned it on the wall,

"y-" "it's me" "huh?" i stared surprise when i was greeted by a pair of grayish silver eyes, he's smiling at me warmly causing me to sigh in relief.

however, i remembered how he easily stop my hand and pinned me effortlessly. i mean i'm not saying that i'm so strong that no one can defeat me, but i have a huge confidence that no one could easily pinned me without a fight.

but him...Kai just did it so easy.

"why are you hiding?"

"oh... ah it's hadley, i felt very uncomfortable around her" an amused expression flashes on his eyes

"why is my dear Ezu felt very uncomfortable towards her best friend?"

we both know he knows the reason why why is he still asking me?

i stared at him blankly causing him to chuckle,

"anyway i found something interesting" before he let go of my wrists he stole a quick peck on my lips twice and triumphantly walk away,

Flustered, i followed him silently.

this is one of the thing i notice recently, every time he's near, my heart always races oddly, i feel the urge to giggle, and my stomach feels something's inside on it, as if an insect for example ants or butterflies resting inside my stomach.

weirdly it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable, i actually felt comfortable because of it... i tried leaning towards Tatum once but i don't feel those things, i even did it towards the prince but nothing happens.

and i have come to the conclusion that only him could feel me this feeling i haven't felt before,

i tried pushing everything away once but they keep on coming back, and it backfired because it keeps becoming stronger causing me to become a blushing mess.

i took a sharp breath and force myself to calm down as i blindly followed him.

we stop in front of a huge door that will lead us towards the library,  

"come" he held my hand and gently pulled me to enter, 

i never once step inside the library. in my former life, library is the safest place in school, this place would always make me feel relax and safe, however when i reincarnated in this world, i become safer towards the training field and places with blades and different kinds of weapon.

"anyway sit down and i bring it to you" i stared at him weirdly and he just smiled and went to a huge bookshelf.

"i didn't saw you earlier in your class' training, i never new you would  have the guts to ditch your favorite class"

"i didn't, father gave me work" 

"oh ho?" yes it was the truth, father was ordered to go towards the land of Fotia, to investigate the human trafficking case,

so he gave me a work concerning the taxes and finances of the land, yeah it might be to much for  teenager like me but the kind approved it so i accepted it, forced of course.

"I was thinking of adding a new tax"

"what it is?"

"The luxury tax" he nod in understanding and pick up a book with dull dray cover and went back towards my side,


i stared suspiciously at him and nod, i stared at the back and silently examined it.

"it might be look dull but inside of it is very interesting, you might wanna read it"

"what will happen if i read it" he smiled at me, his eyes filled with mirth.

"well, i don't know maybe it would keep you awake"

"for how many days?"

"a year" my eyes widen and stared at him in disbelief causing him to just stare at me.

since i was child, only few things interest me, causing me to feel numb to almost everything eventually i felt very sleepy everyday, at first we thought it just because i'm always bored but then when they took me to the doctor.

Psychologist per se, the psychologist told me it's not because of continuum boredom but the uncontrollable daytime sleepiness, i have neurological disorder that affect my ability to wake and sleep.

The being sleep while doing something that we thought was boredom wasn't really my lack of interest but  a mental illness called Narcolepsy.

since then my parents would always try their best to wake me up, but they stop because their life was taken away by the fire.

and you know what happen next, i got interested with sports and blah blah blah.

i stared back at the book and shakily touches the cover.

it's soft and a bit rough, i examined the cover with my hands and notice something interesting.

"it's a human skin, what the hell" i felt him kisses my nape and moves hair towards my shoulder and nuzzles the crook of my neck and gently places small kisses on it.

"where id you found this?"

"I found it laying silently on the basement, i was about to throw it away but i thought of you"

i nod and let him engulf me with his embrace and stared at the book with now awake state.

when i opened it the heading immediately captured my attention.

"Liliana and her three knights"

Suzue ReedWhere stories live. Discover now