Chapter 32

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"Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions."
― Primo Levi

Chapter 32: Adventurer Guild

[Lilith Avaleon]

"here, you can have this one" i said pushing the other cake towards klev who stareda t me in delight but then dimmed.

"ut this is for your sister though"

"it's mine, Ezu might be obsess with candies but she does't like dessert that much"

"eh? but desserts are the best!"

"hoho i know.. it's because when we were kids just like you, she ate plenty of desserts and got a sugar rushes, in the end she fell down from our balcony" he giggles and i also did.

after that accident, ezu was banned to eat desserts and she didn't eat one again.

i stared softly at ezu's direction and took a bite on my cake which i immediately taken a liking to.

"this is delicious"

"thank you i made it" i turn my head towards the voice and saw the boy again but this time he wasn't wearing an apron but a normal clothes instead.

"may i?"

"of course" i immediately reply and he sit at the unoccupied chair

"can i ask you a question?"

"sure" i saw a surprise flashes in his eyes but it immediately vanish, as if it wasn't there.

"what is a noble doing in a commoner's place? wearing a commoner's clothes?"

he's very straightforward, he reminds me of.. Ezu, Not afraid to say anything, not afraid o talk anyone, doesn't hesitate to speak what her mind says.

The prince also reminds me of Ezu, she's always there when i needed her the mos, that night when the storm was present and father and ezu wasn't in the mansion, the prince accompanied me like how Ezu stays beside me when i'm scared.

i stared at Ezu and glance back at the boy before answering.

"The school decided to sen us to different places and i choose to visit This land first because first it's the nearest and second i could learn something from this pace"

"and that would be?"

"commoners" i immediately answered and i saw a flash of surprise in his eyes but i pretended i didn't notice it and took bite on my cake.


why?.. what does he mean why?..

"what do you mean?"

"why do you want to learn about commoners?"

i gave him a confuse look and answered with an obvious tone.

"well because it's normal to know the life of the people behind our success? the people behind the noble's luxuries?"

"you.." i waited for his next sentence but he didn't add anything anymore so i went back to eating.

"oh they are back" i stared at lev and notice him staring behind me, i turn myhead and stared at the window

just like earlier it's still raining but this time they few me walking as if rain doesn't matter to them.

they look like warrior, just like the knights in the dukedom, but they look less classy and more brute looking violent guys.

"i'm scared of them"

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