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new york city

Hearing the fearful shouts of the civilians running down the street made my chest clench painfully, this scene being all too familiar for my liking but I was going to do all that I could to make sure that it was not going to happen again.

As I burst through the doors of the Sanctum, I scanned the chaos. Dozens of people were running and screaming in alarm, traffic was becoming impossibly tangled and a litter filled wind whipped down the streets.

"Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc!" Tony shouted back to Doctor Strange over the mayhem.

"You might wanna use it," Doctor Strange said, tapping his wrists together and activating orange shields.

"Oh gods," I whispered, tucking my partisan where I would my sword and running into the road where a women was seconds away from being hit by a car. I pulled her into my grasp and rolled onto the pavement. "Are you okay?" I asked, offering her my hand and hauling her off the floor. She nodded then ran off in the opposite direction. I took a moment, a moment that I didn't really have, to lean against the bricks, nursing my headache for a few seconds.

"Selene," a voice called out to me, Bruce.

I hurried towards him and joined the others at the intersection. The mechanical hum grew louder and I saw a huge circular ship floating over the street.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, evac anyone south of 43rd Street, notify first responders," Tony said to his AI.

Dr Strange swirled his hands together then unleased a sort of power from the winds into the ring. I glanced at him impressed as he winked at Tony.

I walked towards the ship with the others, ready to fight our way through until a blueish beam transmits two of the Black Order down, the telepath and the great, muscled thing.

"Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos-"

"Oh great, here we go again," I scoffed dryly, in an attempt to cover the true pain I felt as memories of the Statesman flashed in my mind.

"-Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to-"

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today," Tony thankfully interrupted the telepath's ramblings. "You better pack it up and get outta here."

The telepath looked to Dr Strange, "Stonekeeper...does this chattering animal speak for you?"

"Certainly not. I speak for myself," he declared, tapping his wrists, readying his magical shields and stepping forwards. "But you're trespassing in this city and on this planet." Wong joins him, shields appearing and I flipped my partisan from my back and slammed the blunt end into the ground.

"It means get lost, Squidward!" Tony shouted at him.

"He exhausts me," the telepath said to his 'brother.' "Bring me the Stone."

The great thing dropped his huge alien hammer and dragged it against the floor as it made its way towards us.

"Banner, you want a piece?" Tony asked Bruce.

I nodded, Hulk would be a great help right now. I was close to taking him down on the Statemen but that was with the element of surprise and my own weapon, I was feeling flimsy with this partisan. 

"No, not really but when do I ever get what I want?"

"That's right."

Bruce tried to bring out the Hulk, he groans and grunts but the most that turns green is Bruce's neck.

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