epilogue V

745 21 0

new asgard

five years later

"Mummy! Mummy! We're home!"

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"Mummy! Mummy! We're home!"

Two voices called throughout the house, they were so loud and high-pitched that I couldn't help but hear them, even though I was upstairs. A small smile grew on my face and I left the pile of washed clothes on the bed, making my way to the stairs.

"Who's that? Do I have intruders in my home?" I asked, walking down the stairs with a hand on the handrail. "Beware, I know how to fight."

"Don't be silly, mummy. We're not intruders. We wouldn't want to hurt you. Well, I know I won't." Stefani huffed, folding her arms crossly, pouting as I walked down the corridor.

"I know, baby. I'm only teasing," I said, cooing and pulling her into a hug. I kissed her cheek repeatedly, tickling her and she giggled, smiling brightly and pushed me away.

"I'm not an intruder, too!" Friedrich moaned, his face annoyed as I was giving all my attention to Stefani.

"Of course, and since you're not an intruder you can get a big big kiss from Mummy, too," I beamed, pulling him into my arms as well, placing at long kiss on his forehead. "Okay?" I asked, tickling his chest and he smiled, nodding his head.

"Well, if you really were intruders, you'd be the littlest intruders I've ever seen," Thor said, as he stepped through the door, holding the twins' backpacks in his hands. He passed them to me with a wink and I smirked, taking them from him and putting them on the bottom step, out of the way, the kids often tripped up on them.

"Daddy, I'm not little!" Stefani complained, looking up at him.

"No, that's right, you're a big girl now, aren't you?" Thor laughed, rubbing her head and messing up her hair which only made her grumble more, Thor having to drop to his knee and fix it before she had a tantrum.

"I think I'm still little...just a bit little, not a lot." Friedrich mumbled shyly, looking at the ground.

"And a little bit little you are, honey," I said, nodding my head and touching his shoulder. "You'll always be Mummy's little boy." Friedrich smiled at that, jumping into my arms again.

"Don't you both have something you want to show Mummy?" Thor said eyeing the kids, seemingly reminding them.

"Oh, yeah!" They exclaimed, jumping up and down with excitement then running over to their bags to get something out of them.

"What?" I asked Thor, looking at him confused.

"Wait for it." He said, a knowing smile on his face.

"Here, Mummy," Stefani said, shoving the piece of paper in my hands.

"We made it together at playtime in school," Friedrich explained.

It was a drawing. Standing upon the grass and under a small sun in the corner of the page were a group of people.

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