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The sun was now peaking through the grey puffs in the sky, streaming gentle beams of sunlight onto the sandy, desert floor as I jumped out of the truck, still slightly wobbly from my fight

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The sun was now peaking through the grey puffs in the sky, streaming gentle beams of sunlight onto the sandy, desert floor as I jumped out of the truck, still slightly wobbly from my fight.

"Heimdall, open the Bifrost," called out Thor, looking up into the sky. "Heimdall?" I made my way towards him with the other Asgardians and we looked up, bewildered. "He doesn't answer." Thor said, stomping towards us.

"Then we are stranded," replied Hogun.

"We cannot be," I said, panicking slightly. I needed to get back to Asgard if I wanted to complete my final Trial.

"Heimdall! If you can hear me, we need you now!" Thor screamed up again, relentlessly. "Heimdall! We need you now! Heimdall!"

An horribly uneasy sensation began to settle onto the pit of my stomach but just then, iridescent lines of light beamed down through the murky clouds. I grinned and rushed towards it, ready to leave New Mexico and never to return.

As I waited for Thor to finish his heartfelt exchange with Jane, I looked up at the gleaming passage into the boundless universe, waiting to whisk me away into it's light. The Gateway of Hermes was sure a lot less flashy than the Bifrost.

"Deal?" I heard Thor whisper to Jane. I saw Jane crash her lips into Thor's causing my heart to tinge a little so I turned away once again to look back up the Bifrost, pushing the sensation away.

I stepped into the glistening stream with the five Asgardians and felt my feet lift up from the ground. My body hurtled upwards as we flew through the galaxies. My feet landed squarely onto the golden floors of the spherical room.

"Get him to the healing room!" Thor commanded as the others rushed towards the fallen figure of Heimdall. "I'm going after my brother."

"Thor!" I shouted out, following his out of the room. "Are you sure you will be alright on your own?"

"Lady Selene, this is something I must do alone." He said gravely yet noticed the doubt I had on my face. "It is okay, your days are no longer numbered." And he rushed off to fight his brother.

Having no other choice, I followed Lady Sif and the Warriors Three as they hurried Heimdall into a large room filled to the brim with hospital beds.

After he was safely placed onto the bed and a healer was tending to him, Lady Sif turned to me.

"Gyda, please tend to Lady Selene, her wounds need attention," Lady Sif said leading me to a bed.

"No, no, I'm fine." I said trying to resist but the healer, Gyda, was already dabbing a cloth to my injured head.

"Thank you Selene, for helping us. We would have all been dead hadn't you fought it after it blasted me." She laughed, looking at her scraped arm.

"It was the least I could have done and besides, now there will be peace between our realms. There's always a second upside to everything." I said as Gyda finished up with my head.

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