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upstate new york

a few days later

"Great among men, and not unnamed am I," I read aloud, translating the Greek for Thor

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"Great among men, and not unnamed am I," I read aloud, translating the Greek for Thor. I was sat on the kitchen countertop while Thor finished cooking his meal. "The Cyprian, in God's inmost halls on high. And wheresoe'er from Pontus to the far Red west men dwell, and see the glad day-star, And worship Me, the pious heart I bless, And wreck that life that lives in stubbornness. For that there is, even in a great God's mind, That hungereth for the praise of human kind. So runs my word; and soon the very deed Shall follow. For this Prince of-"

I cut off my own words once the pages of the play in my hands began to ruffle. The walls seemed to shudder violently around us as a low rumble could be heard from outside of the compound.

The ceramic bowl beside me clattered over the counter top and I caught it quickly with one hand just as the trembling stopped.

I glanced at Thor who was already looking back at me. He picked up his bowl and we made our way into the conference room.

There sat Tony Stark. He was in a wheelchair, hooked up to an IV. His robe was open to show the arc reactor in his chest. I had never seen him look so thin before. So broken.

"Oh Tony," I whispered, walking straight to him, seeing nothing else in that moment. I didn't even notice that Thor went to sit in the far back corner, staying away from the commotion. I leant down and pulled Tony into a soft hug, careful not to hurt his frail body. "I'm so sorry."

I hadn't seen him since he flew up into the space ship to protect the Time Stone. I noticed that the kid wasn't with him...

"It's good to see your face, Xena," he said in a small voice.

"You too, Tony. I'm glad you're safe," I said, settling myself by the bookcase as Rhodey tapped on the holograms, pulling up the figures of total casualties, beginning the debrief so Tony and Carol Danvers could catch up on the situation.

I looked down at Thor who was sitting silently, elbows on knees and eyes glued to the floor. I sighed softly, I won't give up on him. Never. I'd help him through his dark patch. No matter what.

"It's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth," started Rhodey and I gulped, I hadn't realised it had been so long.

"World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working...are trying to take a census and it looks like he did...exactly - he did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out 50% of all living creatures."

My eyes stung as Wanda's face flashed on the holograms.

"Where is he now? Where?" Tony asked abruptly.

"We don't know," Steve answered solemnly with his arms crossed. "He just opened a portal and walked through."

Tony scoffed then his eyes landed on Thor and I followed his gaze, he was sitting just as still as he was before. "What's wrong with him?"

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