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somewhere in the sonoran desert

"Wait, so you're telling me you saw this man die, 5 years ago, right in front of you? And now here's here, alive and well?"

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"Wait, so you're telling me you saw this man die, 5 years ago, right in front of you? And now here's here, alive and well?"

Penelope was almost stumbling alongside me in utter confusion about the well-being of Phil Coulson. I wasn't far from her, still not believing my eyes even after embracing the man and giving him a rather painful pinch on the arm.

"Honestly, Coulson. I'm still in shock." I said, shaking my head.

"Give me something, Selene." Coulson said, a small smile on his face. "Not just any old person would finish me off."

"He was an Asgardian prince."

"Asgardian prince or not, you're a mortal! How is this not some sort of dark magic?" Penelope interjected, eyes popping out of her head as she continued ogling at Coulson.

"Well, if it gives you any solace, Loki's dead," I shrugged, knowing from Thor.

"It doesn't, but thanks," Coulson said.

"You know, Thor will be really pleased to hear this. He truly considers you a friend, just as I do."

"I feel the same," Coulson nodded.

A S.H.I.E.L.D quinjet touched down in front of us, phasing from being invisible to showing its stark black colour against the yellow of the sand. It felt odd, seeing the great eagle logo again after almost a year. While living on Olympus, I completely compartmentalise this part of my life. Sometime I totally forget that I even am an Avenger until moments like this come around, a great team of highly skilled agents readily coming to my aid when I need them.

"I didn't know Earth had technology like this," Penelope whispered to me as Coulson started up the ramp, the two of us close behind.

"When's the last time you've been here properly?" I asked her, stifling a laugh.

"Too long."

Coulson led us past a very nice car, up a small flight of stairs and into a conference room with monitors lining the back wall. Five people stood inside, two Asian women, a man and two people dressed in lab coats.

"Selene, I'd like you to meet my team," Coulson said as the three of us walked into the room. "Agents May, Johnson, Mack and Fitz and Simmons. You can trust them just as much as you trust me."

"Any friend of Coulson's is a friend of ours," I nodded, sending them all a tight lipped smile.

"That's awfully kind of you," the woman, Simmons, said, almost surprised at my words as they're used to some sort of betrayal.

"I understand that this is something that has never happened in the history of Olympus?" Coulson said, walking around the table to stand in from of the monitors.

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