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six years later


"We're a few minutes out 'til we land," Clint said from the pilot's seat with a headset covering his ears.

I was simply twisting an arrow in my hand and staring out the front window, my mind still utterly numb.

"Let's run through the plan one more time," said Steve, brandishing his shield.

"Sneak up on the guards, fight our way into the compound, search for the sceptre and any weapons, yada, yada, yada. We've got this, Cap." Stark said, clapping him on the chest.

"Take this seriously Tony, this could be the one." Steve sighed, sitting down in exasperation.

"I know, it ain't our first rodeo. You alright there, Xena?" he asked, walking up to me. "Looking a little forlorn there."

"Stark," said Thor in a warning tone.

"No, it is okay, I'm fine. This will be good for me. You know, blow off some steam or whatever," I said glancing at them then gazing back out into the white clouds.

"I'm saying it again, just like I do before every mission. Say the word and I'll be beside you. We are something of a...dynamic duo, is what they call it," Thor said, raising his eyebrow at me suggestively.

"Yeah, dynamic duo, partners in crime, double act, take your pick," I laughed, putting on a small smile.

"Alright, getting ready to land," said Clint, flipping a few switches.

"Remember," started Steve, "stay low for as long as we can."

I grabbed my sword from my back and flipped it in my hands as we walked down the ramp.

"We'll call for you if we need you, Banner." Stave said.

"Right...I'll just wait here...not green." I heard him say as we made our way through the thicket towards the tall metallic gates surrounding the Nagasaki HYDRA compound.

I gazed out into the green around me, reminding me of the Folóï forest, reminding me of my Five Trials. Throughout it, my father was always at the back of my mind, urging me forward, to keep fighting, even when I wanted to give into the wrath of Zeus and give up. I didn't because I wanted to see my father again, I wanted to be back at the village, back at the restaurant. Now, there is nothing that is maintaining that urge. Now, every time I closed my eyes I see his face under the setting sun, the last time I saw him alive. Now, I felt a tight grasp on my heart, constantly straining tighter.

I felt like I was terribly homesick but I knew that my home no longer existed.

I barely noticed that we had neared the metal fence.

Steve said, "Let's fan out, surround the compound. If we get in, search for any weaponry and Loki's sceptre."

Thor and I rounded the right side of the base. I carefully stepped though the tangle of branches on the floor, trying not to make a single sound to alert the nearby guards.

As we reached the south-east side, Thor touched my shoulder gently then continued north.

"I'm in position," I heard Nat say through my earpiece.

"Same," I said, holding two fingers to it. I crouched behind a thick tree and scanned the area around me. Guards stood in pairs every fifty meters or so, holding the HYDRA weapons the Chitauri used during their invasion. Behind the fence were tanks and fighter jets sitting on the concrete with flocks of guards scattered among them.

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