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one month later

"Sorry I can't stay and chat, but tell baby Astrid that Theía will give him all the chocolate that he wants, yeah?" I beamed at Grace who simply waved me off, having none of my jokes

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"Sorry I can't stay and chat, but tell baby Astrid that Theía will give him all the chocolate that he wants, yeah?" I beamed at Grace who simply waved me off, having none of my jokes.

I laughed, spinning on my heels, dress flowing as I made my way towards Thor. He was standing outside the town centre, greeting the councillors as they, one by one, entered the building. He had his professional face on, back straight and not smiling anymore then that tight-lipped nod.

"Ah, Selene, nice of you to join us this afternoon," he said, nodding down at me as I approached the door to the hall.

"Oh, of course, your highness. It is my duty as a citizen of this town," I responded, bowing, the way I would do to Zeus.

Even that couldn't keep Thor's smile in.

"I'll see you inside," I winked, turning to go take my seat along the 'U' shaped table.

I was one of the last few people to walk in. Naturally, I sat on left side of the raised, wooden throne where Thor would take his place. To my left, the start of the long stretch of the table, sat Brunnhilde. Miek stood at the back of the room, pen in hand, ready to record the minutes of the meeting. As Thor walked into the room, Korg stepped out, standing outside the great doors, keeping watch.

"Thank you, everyone, for joining us in this council meeting," he stared, gazing upon his subjects as he made his way to his seat. I squeezed his thigh quickly, giving him a quick vote of confidence. "I know this is aside from our weekly meetings but...you all know why you've been called here today and again, I apologise for the short notice." He placed his hands on the table and sighed. "The Midgardian people of this country have become all to aware of our existence in their space. They want action, retribution, control."

A chorus of murmurs riled up around us, the Asgardian people were angry. They wanted the freedom that they were used to. Honestly, they deserved their freedom.

"Things will have to change," Thor said, raising his voice slightly and the noise died down instantly. "...And I'm not so sure that I'm prepared for that."

I turned my head, eyebrows pinched together as I stared at him. I didn't know that these were his views, we hadn't spoken about it.

I put up my hand, requesting permission to speak to the council. "Of course," Thor said, nodding to me. "Anyone who has a suggestion, please, go ahead."

"I can only see two possible routes for us," I said, addressing the room. "We either strategize the extreme, memory charms on the Norwegian Prime Minister," harsh gasps filled the room but I continued. "But I don't see that as a viable option. We're here to stay, to survive, we want to be one of them...and we need to do that with trust. The other option is to give them what they want, and I don't mean give them total control of the government, no. But small things."

"Like adhering to their fishing tax," nodded Yaalon, the head of the fishing department.

"Or trading our resources," agreed Georg, the head of agriculture.

"We'll devise a proper meeting, bring the Prime Minister here," said Brunnhilde.

"Good," said Thor, nodding his head thoughtfully to everyone's words. "A compromise."

* * *

Later that day, I found myself in the kitchen. During the second half of that meeting, we had began to discuss the smaller things that need to be addressed around the town, the leaking water pipes, the power cut, the lost nylon shipment and the school's bake sale. With great hesitation (and encouragement by Thor and Brunnhilde), I agreed to make some simple kourabiedes since they were a monthly thing I baked in Thor and I's household.

"Αγάπη μου?" a voice called out and I smiled, knowing it was Thor who had just came back from his rounds. "Smells divine."

"I'm here," I responded, shouting over my shoulder before returning to my task. I grabbed the oven mitts and pulled out the freshly baked tray from the oven, placing it carefully on the countertop.

"Wow," Thor said and I saw him padding barefoot into the kitchen, eyes lit with mischief.

"They're for the kids, babe," I argued, reaching to stop his hand but he had already grasped one, eating it with a wide smile on his face.

"You're worse than Astrid," I said through my laughter, swatting Thor's stomach with a pout.

"Taste's good," he shrugged, bringing the rest of the cookie to my mouth so I could have a taste. I send him a glare (not before nibbling the rest - they were utterly divine when fresh), turning to ready the next tray to bake. "I have to try them, what if they're not up to your usual standards? What am I gonna tell the people? What about the kids?"

"Well, I thought maybe you'd help but I guess not," I said, raising my eyebrows playfully at him. I grabbed the bowl of raw mixture and began on the final tray of kourabiedes. Thor moved to behind me and hugged my waist, propping his chin on my shoulder.

"You're the one with the talent, allfríðr," Thor said, using the Norse word. His lips found the exposed skin on my neck, beard tickling as he placed longing kisses down it. My hands began to get unsteady from the task I was trying to do...his actions were working.

"You're distracting me." I complained, leaning forwards against the counter in an attempt to move away from him, it wasn't very effective.

Thor laughed, hands coming to grab my hips again, pulling me back against him. "Come on," he whispered, voice raspy and full of want. "Take a break."

"And how long would this break last?" I asked, looking at his reflection through the window, growing hot feeling the bulge in his pants.

"Ten minutes, twenty minutes, an hour," he said, nibbling at my earlobe, trying to illicit a reaction. I hated admitted that I was willing to give in...his actions had too much power over me.

"What about the kids," I said, breathing deeply, trying to stay on task as his hands rose to my breasts.

"They've got enough. Three trays made, I think that warrants three rounds," Thor said, flipping me around to lean into me, hands on my cheeks.

"You're impossible," I said, biting my lip, hands resting on his waist. He smiled, pressing a kiss on my neck that made my breath hitch. "Ookay, you got thirty minutes."

He grinned, pressing a kiss finally to my lips. "Thirty minutes."

summer is officially starting in a week!! hoping to get this fic finished in the following months! 🫶🏽

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summer is officially starting in a week!! hoping to get this fic finished in the following months! 🫶🏽

selene // thor odinsonWhere stories live. Discover now