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mount olympus

I gripped onto Thor's arm as my perception of time and space slowly returned to me

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I gripped onto Thor's arm as my perception of time and space slowly returned to me. The slow thump of my mind calmed as I and looked out to the familiar sight of the Pantheon, bringing me back to reality. If they allowed for me to embark upon this quest, I would miss this place. I had grown to adore the calamity and peace that Olympus gave me with it's sights, atmosphere and people.

"The Twelve will not be happy with that," I mused, looking down at the Celtic symbols arranged in a circle that had been burned into the rock of the mountain.

"I'm sure they can mend it," Thor grimaced, attempting to dispel the worry, brushing his foot over the ruin carelessly. "Yeah...maybe not," he winced after seeing the faces of the Horae, frowns on their flawless faces.

"Leave it me," I sighed, turning to face them in front of the Cloud of Gates. I remembered the coldness that they pierced at me when I first went to Mount Olympus but since my Five Trails, that ice had definitely melted.

"Selene, we know that you keep relations with Asgardians and our ties have been fixed but please think about the mountain," Eirene said softly, her sage chiton flapping in the slight breeze.

"Eirene, Dike, Eunomia, we do apologise and I promise the mark will fade in time." I said, smiling softly and urging Thor to step next to me. "Thor and I must speak with Zeus about a quest, it is important for me to seek his permission first."

"Of course, Selene. You will always have access to Mount Olympus," said Dike, waving her hands to make the soft clouds dissolve into the sunlit skies.

"Thank you," I said, placing a hand on my stomach. I pulled Thor's hand into my own and led him up the great steps of the Pantheon.

"Well, that was easy," he said, glancing back at the Horae.

"It took time for them to trust me. Olympians are very cautious people, their world is everything to them," I said, gazing out across the marble bridge, seeming sprouting off into oblivion but really leading to the Gateway of Olympus. "It even is to me."

I placed one hand on the golden doors, lined with intricate black designs depicting the the symbols of the gods.

"If he says no, then I cannot come with you," I muttered, looking up at him.

"Then I shall visit as much as I can. I won't let this wedge a gap between us," he leaned down and pressed a short kiss to my lips.

I let out a shuddering breath and pushed open the heavy, double doors.

"Lord Zeus," I said bowing my head down and gesturing for Thor to do the same. "Lady Hera," I greeted, she was the only one sitting on her solid gold throne with Zeus in the Pantheon.

"Selene, welcome back to Olympus. Thor, son of Odin, what do we owe this pleasure to," he said, quickly dismissing my presence. I swallowed the usual hurt to the back of my throat, knowing that I had to say the right things if I wanted to go with Thor.

"I am here for the sake of Selene," he started nervously, trying to pick the right words. "She and I have...formed a relationship with one another over the last few years," he said, taking my hand back in his own.

I tried not to fidget as nerves waved through me, I had no idea what Zeus would say. Especially since the patched relationship between Asgard and Olympus was so recent, even more so since Thor was to be the King of Asgard.

"An Asgardian, Selene? And the future King at that," Zeus said, a glint in his eyes and it scared me that I didn't know what that meant. "What would your mother say?"

"With all due respect, I do not care of the opinion of my mother, Lord Zeus, only yours and your wife's." I glanced from Thor to the King and Queen of Olympus on their thrones.

"I, for one," started Hera who had much softer expression on her face. "Believe this to be perfectly acceptable." I had never wanted to hug the Goddess so much in my life. "More so since some Olympians and Asgardians alike, do feel some distrust before the other. This could be the missing piece that this alliance needs."

"Thank you, Lady Hera," Thor said, squeezing my hand.

"What does your father think, son of Odin?"

"My father is indifferent to whom I care for and my mother, my mother liked Selene deeply."

This time, it was my turn to squeeze his hand and I stroked my thumb over his rough knuckles.

"If that's the case then I see no problem," Zeus said with a shrug. "Plus, my wife makes a fair point, this would deem all hostility futile between our people."

Thor brought his hand around me and pulled me into him, planting a chaste kiss on my temple.

"Is that all?"

"No, Lord Zeus. The reason for my coming here is to seek your permission for embarking on a quest, with Thor," I said, my nerves returning.

"I received a vision. A vision showing me the six Infinity Stones and the power they hold over the universe. We have reason to believe that someone if making pawns of us and are seeking out these Stones to wreak destruction across the Cosmos," Thor explained.

Zeus eyes darkened dangerously, storm clouds brewing with shudders of thunder.

"I have also found out that the cause of Tartarus' rise and his killing of almost half of Olympians  was the doing of the Power Stone." I continued. "We still do not know how it fell into Tartarus or where it is now but that is what we wish to find out."

"The Space Stone is on Asgard and the Mind Stone is safe on Earth. Selene and I want to hunt down the others and ensure they are being protected," Thor finished.

There was silence for a while and I was positive they could hear the outrageous thudding of my anxious heart.

"Hera and I shall grant you permission on behalf of The Twelve to go on this journey," Zeus finally said, threading his fingers together and placing them on his lap. "Do everything you can to protect the realms."

A wide smile broke out onto my face as soon as the words left his mouth.

"You can also borrow one of Hephaestus' spaceships, that should be helpful in your quest," he said, the corners of his beard stretching oh-so slightly, although it may have been a trick of the eye.

As the doors closed behind us, Thor's arms embraced me instantly. A soft giggle escaped my lips as he lifted me into the air and spun me around. Elated was an understatement to how I felt. The fear of loosing Thor shook me to my core but now that I know I'll be there, by his side during his quest, the peace slowly started to be restored.

His nose bumped against my own as my feet fluttered to the ground, his lips ghosting over mine with the touch of a butterfly. I brought my hands up to face, the tips of my fingers grazing the bristles of his beard.

"This will be dangerous," he whispered, lips brushing mine as his hands held my hips in place.

"Oh please. The universe has nothing on an Olympian and an Asgardian," I smirked, taking his warm lips eagerly into my own.

 The universe has nothing on an Olympian and an Asgardian," I smirked, taking his warm lips eagerly into my own

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selene // thor odinsonWhere stories live. Discover now