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I followed behind Rogers as he stormed into Banner's lab

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I followed behind Rogers as he stormed into Banner's lab. He slammed the weapon down on the nearest desk as Stark was musing what Phase 2 was.

"Phase 2 is SHIELD uses the Tesseract to recklessly make weaponry," I said with my arms crossed. They turned sharply towards us as Cap stared back at them, pissed.

"Sorry the computer was moving a little too slow," Cap said.

"Ariti, Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract." Fury tried to explain, "This does not mean that..."

"I'm sorry, Nick," Stark said, moving the screen for us all to see, showing plans of the weapons.

"You said, Sir?" I mocked, cocking my head to the side.

At that moment, Thor and Natasha walked into the lab. Thor looked at me with his eyebrow quirked. I shook my head at him then shifted my eyes towards Fury.

"Did you know about this?" Banner questioned Natasha.

"You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?" Natasha said smartly.

"I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed," Banner laughed.

"Loki's manipulating you," she said moving closer to him.

"And you've been doing what, exactly?" He huffed in annoyance.

"You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you," she said.

"Yes and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy. I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction," Banner said pointing to the screen.

"Because of them," Fury said, pointing to Thor and I.

"Us?" We said stunned, looking at each other in confusion. We've done nothing wrong this entire time. All Thor and I have done is save the mortals from treacherous creatures that they cannot control.

"Last year Earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned not only are we not alone but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned." He exasperated.

"My people want nothing but peace with your planet," Thor argued.

"But you're not the only people out there, are you? And you're not the only threat." Fury said, looking at me.

"I am terribly sorry but you have no idea what we Olympians do to protect the people of Greece. You are in no position to say such things," I said defensively, pointing my finger at him causing Thor to put a hand on my back to calm me down. Despite being a person of Earth, I am also an Olympian and have vowed to protect my realm with my life.

"Do the people of Greece even know of your existence? Let alone the entire Earth," Fury countered, unrelenting to put his point across.

"No, they do not because the fear that they would have would be far worse than them not knowing," I argued. "Everything Olympus does is for the safety of the mortals."

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