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It took a great amount of convincing to persuade Thor to take me to Olympus

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It took a great amount of convincing to persuade Thor to take me to Olympus. It was only after the bruises on my stomach turned green and my bones cracked back into place, he finally gave in after I told him he needed to speak to his people, to tell them what to do, they would have most likely made it to Olympus by now with Brunnhilde...if she made it.

We told the team where we were going and were told to be safe. Nat, Bruce and Rocket were still busy trying to find Tony and Fury while Rhodey and Steve were working on the broadcast that was going to be announced across the world tonight.

Thor held his new axe, Stormbreaker and summoned the Bifrost. The rainbow rained from the sky and branded the grass below us. The still unfamiliar rush of space and time crashed down on me as Thor and I travelled to Olympus.

There sat the marvellous view of Mount Olympus, shrouded among the white, ribbon of clouds and sitting at the very top of the great granite peaks behind the cloud of gates.

The scene was usually kissed by the heady blush of the sun, letting the streams of light brighten the white hues of the pantheon but that glow seemed to become dampened. The aura was dark, desolate even with a wave of sorrow swimming over it. Dark clouds swam overhead and the threat of rain loomed.

I clutched Thor's hand tightly as we walked to the Cloud of Gates. Anxiety ran through me, what would have Olympus succumbed to after the Snap? Was it ridden with chaos like Earth?

My question was soon answered as the two women draped in blue sat, their heads bowed in sadness.

"Eirene. Dike. I'm so-I'm so sorry," I stuttered, guilt overwhelming me. It was my fault that Eunomia was gone, I had my chances to stop Thanos but I failed, now billions have lost the people that they love.

"It is not your fault, Selene," Dike said, lifting her head to give me a soft smile. "Do not blame yourself."

"You too, Thor," Eirene added and Thor's head lifted solemnly, I squeezed his hand in comfort. "Your people are waiting for you."

And with a flourish, the clouds faded.

Thor and I nodded thankfully to the sisters and made our ascent up the stone steps, my heart thundering in my chest. We headed straight to the Gateway of Olympus and passed through the milky portal.

Olympus was soft in its melancholy. The usual gentle air was mournful and thin. The streets that were normally filled with children were empty, not a single person in sight. Fresh food stalls that stood on the early mornings of the weeks weren't to be seen. The peace had been ruptured.

Among all the thoughts in my mind, one stayed prominent: Penelope. I hurried through the desolate streets, pulling Thor along behind me. I did not rest for a second until I reached the house beside mine. I raised a fist to the door and hesitated. Was I prepared to come face to face with the misfortune that I truly don't want to experience? Of course I wasn't, yet the time had come.

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