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"We are all clear here," I said to the team as Wanda and I stormed the empty streets, heading to the main buzz of activity

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"We are all clear here," I said to the team as Wanda and I stormed the empty streets, heading to the main buzz of activity.

"We are not clear! We are very not clear!" Grunted Steve in response.

"On our way to your rescue," I said, quirking my eyebrow at Wanda.

A wave of air hit me as Pietro appeared beside us. He was about to grab both Wanda and I when Ultron soared overhead with Thor in his clutches.

"Fuck," I whispered in Greek, knowing Thor couldn't beat Ultron alone since we have had no word from Vision. "Listen, I'm going to head to the core and you two go help the others, okay?"

They nodded their heads and Pietro lifted his sister into his arms and dashed off. I flipped my sword in my heads and headed off deeper into the city, keeping an eye out for any stray bots.

I listened to Stark and Steve's conversation as the bots began to reappear, only this time heading in the same direction as me rather than the Avengers.

"The second wave has already hit, it's heading towards the core," I said as I sliced down a machine in the chest.

While smashing down any metal men that came close to me with my sword, the dilapidated church came into view. There was Thor, in the tight grip of Ultron, his face becoming red from Ultron clutching at his neck. My eyes darted frantically around the area, knowing my sword won't do the trick. I nibbled on my lip as my palms grew sweaty, trying to come up with an idea but the only thing I could do was try and use my powers.

You can do this.

You're stronger than you think.

I sheathed my sword to bring my hands out in front of me, my palms facing upwards as I looked to the sky. I used to imagine the moon, it's glow giving me the energy from my mother, the Goddess of the moon. I used to think of her as a symbol of protection, even when I hadn't met her I knew she was looking over me, keeping me safe. I no longer believed that. And so I looked to the sky, remembering my eighteenth birthday when my father and I sat out under the full moon in the outside area of Ariti's Taverna, basking in the moonlight as we sipped on Ouzo.

I remembered the true warmth I felt as we gazed up at the silver disc hanging in the lonely sky. The lasers of moonlight, as bright as diamond-flame, turning the sea a-glow like melted platinum as we sat, beguiled by it's beauty.

I encompassed the pulsing energy that I felt from that night and felt it surge through me. I snapped my eyes open, the grey of my iris now glowing, even in the sunlight.

"Come on Ultron, I thought you would know better than to kick someone while they're down," I mused, causing him to snap his head back to me.

I raised my hands, twirls of silver wisps emanating from my fingertips. I flicked my wrists towards Ultron and with a great cry, streams of silver tendrils pushed Ultron through the crumbling wall of the church and into a motionless train.

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