epilogue I

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new asgard

New Asgard was bustling with energy after the return of the lost. The fisherman were up early with vast smiles on their faces with the great catches they've been getting with the extra hands. The farmers were already creating new rows of grain, the food growth now needing to be doubled. The children were running out of their houses, eager to start up school again with the classes now being filled like it always should have been. The main street was crowded, all of the new villagers excited to see the mundane shops that we had to offer with the stores being back in full swing.

It had been only a week but I had spent the entirety of it on my feet, not even having a chance to rest since the gruelling battle. Thor and I had been busy, to put it lightly. As heads of Tønsberg, there was just too much to do, even with Brunnhilde's help. Thor wanted me to take a break, my stomach growing exponentially but there was just too much to do and I had a responsibility. Our main issue was housing, there not being nearly enough cottages for everyone to live in. The temporary situation was to group them together to stay in a close one's home and those that couldn't would stay in the town hall as we built up houses as quick as we could.

Not only did I have to deal with things in New Asgard, but also in Olympus. Things were swifter there, the people simply moving back to the way things were. The Eleven, however, did call for an explanation of the events of those days since I was an Avenger so I had to spend the day in Olympus.

I also took the opportunity to visit Old Panteleimonas and Thor came down to meet me there, wanting to do his part and we helped out for a few hours where we could. Seeing the families that I had grown up around being reunited only brought tears to my eyes, especially seeing Mrs Kalista being back with her husband and Melissa and Cassandra with their mother.

I spent some time visiting my father's grave and I couldn't help but break down, I wouldn't have been able to get back home if Thor hadn't been there, I was grateful to have him with me. He should still be here, if anything, this was the time where I'd be reunited with him but I had a certain settlement of peace in my heart. The monster responsible was gone, for good. And now, when I think of my father, those happiest of times are the ones that come to me first.

After that week, things started to settle slightly and my mind instantly went to the mental promise I had made to myself after I found out about Nat. I called in a favour from Fury who linked me to Secretary Ross who was happy to help, most probably feeling like he owed Natasha after everything he put her though.

I kept all the information I told them at a minimal, only hinting a concern about Natasha's possible family and they found me a name, Yelena Belova. Not wanting Ross to become suspicious, I dropped the subject after getting the name. I did my own digging, searching the deep web for anything traces of her I could find. CCTV camera's became my best friend, it being my primary source. The last tracking of her was only yesterday, picturing her entering a lowly rated hotel in Albany, New York. I pushed even further to find a booking at the hotel under the name of Jocelynn Longbottom with the ID picture being her.

I was utterly exhausted, wanting to stay in bed with Thor into the late hours of the morning, not having had that opportunity in days but I knew I had a short window, not knowing how long Belova would be staying in Albany. I knew she was probably there looking for Natasha which only urged me further to go.

Thor was against it, arguing I was too heavily pregnant to be getting into these situations that may not even end very well. I understood his concern, heck, even I was worried, but he knew this was something I had to do, not for myself, but for Natasha.

I got a flight to New York in the early morning, making my way straight to the hotel and not diverting my path for anything. I kept my head low to not be seen which wasn't really necessary since New York was a town that was actually hectic after the return of the Snapped.

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