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mount olympus

"Let's pray this goes well, for not only your sake but for Stefanos' too

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"Let's pray this goes well, for not only your sake but for Stefanos' too."

And Artemis pushed open the intricate black lined golden doors, depicting the symbols of The Twelve in a circle. As we stepped into the vast room, the chatter instantly died down.

The Pantheon was breath taking. Massive columns rose to the high domed ceiling, gilded with moving depictions of the heroic ventures of The Twelve, resembling constellations in the night sky. The image of Artemis transforming Actaeon into a stag caught my eyes, perhaps that shall be my tragic fate, just like his. The back wall was bare expect for multiple pillars, revealing the brilliant warm rays shining over the free clouds. Enormous, white fires crackled in tall pots. The Twelve, except for Artemis, sat on great, gold and black thrones that were arranged in a U shape each with the Gods' symbol engraved on the floor before it.

"Father," Artemis said, bowing her head. Once she rose, she flashed a quick yet dangerous look at me.

"Lord Zeus," I said, following in suit of my mother while still gripping the edge of my chiton tightly. "I am Selene Ariti, the daughter of Artemis."

"We finally meet the infamous daughter of Artemis, the supposed Goddess of virginity," chided Zeus his gruff voice, loud and reverberating across the large room.

"Father, please," a young man with wavy blond hair said.

My lightened with hope ever so slightly but was immediately pushed down by Zeus.

"Enough, Apollo," he demanded.

I sensed Artemis tense up considerably beside me. So she did have care for others, just not for her daughter.

"Brother," a god beside him said, Poseidon. "Let us think rationally now."

Zeus huffed in annoyance yet spoke, this time, in a more mannered tone. "We are here to discuss the fate of Selene Ariti, the only child of Artemis. Lady Artemis has already served her punishment in the Underworld for the last 21 years." He paused, looking at me intently. "Selene, are you aware that you were conceived under forbidden circumstances?"


"Yes or no?" His booming voice cut me off.

"Yes," I said, looking to the floor dejectedly.

"And you are aware that your existence defies the sacred oath in which your mother swore?"


"Then I see that we have no other option but to re-balance the laws of nature." He said and my head snapped up in panic. The hall erupted in out-roar from a few Gods and Goddesses. "Enough!" He said, hand raised in the air.

"Brother, we must vote," Poseidon said glancing at me softly. "It is the only thing we can do."

My heart, once again lightened, a chance at survive.

"Even if we choose to let her live, it cannot be done so without consequence," said the women beside him, Hera.

"That is only fair," said Poseidon, leaning back in his throne as I gulped.

"Let us vote then," said Zeus, clearly unsatisfied with the possibility of my survival. Grandfather or not, I could not stand him. "I vote in favour of her execution."

My chest tightened and I felt as if my throat had closed up, stopping me from breathing. The realisation of my possible death dawned upon me, terrifying me to my very core. This could be the end of everything, my fate in the hands of my family who I don't even know.

Artemis' hand touched my shoulder tenderly and it brought me back to reality. "You still have a chance, Selene, don't give up."

I took a deep breath and nodded. She's right, there is no point in panicking so early into the vote.

"I also vote in favour of her execution," came the ringing voice of Hera. Despite my re-rising panic, I was expecting that answer so I remained calm.

"I vote against her execution, her birth is the fault of her mother's, not her own," Poseidon said, bringing a small smile to my face.

"Thank you," I whispered gratefully and he nodded in return. Zeus wasn't happy with his brother's decision, that was clear by his flashing eyes.

"I vote for her execution," said Hades, causing my smile to instantly vanish. "I'd like to have her in the Underworld."

"This vote isn't for your own pleasure," Artemis spat.

Hades simply shrugged his shoulders.

"You can harnesses the power of the moon, can you not?" asked Athena, her back tall against her throne.

"Yes, I can," I said, "I am also handy with a bow and a sword." I added quickly, only lying slightly, hoping it will increase my chances. I had learnt to battle in the workshops that was held one summer in the village.

"Hmm," she thought for a moment, "I am against her execution, she could be useful in the future."

I looked down at the floor in relief, maybe I have a chance.

"In that case, I also vote against." Ares grunted, flexing his broad muscles.

"I vote for her execution, Hephaestus?" came the honeyed voice of Aphrodite.

My heart ached at her passivity.

"I could not let an innocent girl die, I vote against her execution," he said, smiling down at me softly causing Aphrodite to scoff. I already liked him far more than his wife.

"I vote for her execution." Hermes looked at me with pity, "I am sorry but we must honour Artemis' oath."

My heart began to race uncontrollably and I felt the bile in my stomach threaten to spew. Only one more vote was needed for my death, my fate truly was already predestined.

Artemis gave me a comforting hand once again but it seemed to be more in pity than anything else.

"I vote against it," Apollo said, smiling down at the two of us grimly. 

Artemis' eyes softened at her twin.

"That leaves Demeter, her fate lies in your hands," huffed Zeus, clearly irritated for some reason but I did not pay attention for a single word from her words decided my future.

"Of course I vote against her execution," Demeter said beaming down at me. My heart swelled in joy and I almost ran up to embrace her into a hug. I turned to Artemis, my eyes glistening as she touched my shoulder gingerly. Somewhere, deep down, she was glad that her only child was surviving.

"Do not celebrate just yet," the voice of Zeus boomed. "We have yet to decide her punishment."

"Father, it that really nec-"

"Apollo, again, that is enough," Zeus scolded.

I stared warmly at my uncle, at least I had one person truly on my side.

"May I suggest something, Brother?" Hades pipped.

Artemis scoffed beside me.

"What about something similar to Hercules' 12 Labours? But less in amount but higher in consequence."

Zeus chuckled deeply, "I like that idea, brother."

A few others hummed in agreement yet I could hardly hear them over my thundering heart.

"Instead of 12, let us give her merely 5," suggested Hera, smiling malevolently. "And we should decide them as she completes each task."

"Excellent," Zeus grinned. "And I know just what your first task should be. The Fates have recently unveiled an upcoming attack on Athens by a Chimera. The Olympian warriors normally deal with these attacks swiftly and without any of the mortals noticing but this time, we shall leave this task with you."

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