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asgard 2013

Once again, just like two days ago, I felt my body tug downwards and the gravity was stolen from under my feet

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Once again, just like two days ago, I felt my body tug downwards and the gravity was stolen from under my feet. My perception shifted as everything begun to spin. I saw nothing and my mind blurred for a moment before the familiar colours of the quantum realm welcomed me. The kaleidoscope overwhelmed my senses but my eyes soon focused and I felt myself become drawn to a particular tunnel and my body flew through it, two others by my side.

My feet hit the ground harshly and I held out my hands, keeping my balance. I blinked rapidly as I held onto the walls, trying to figure out where I was, only to have not a clue. Around us were cuboids of orange energy, keeping people in.

"We're in the dungeons," Thor whispered as our nanotech suits disappeared. As soon as it did, I tugged at my arrow charm, my armour springing to my body.

"Okay, well let's get out of the dungeons," Rocket said obviously.

"Great thinking Rocket," I hummed following Thor as we ducked up the views of the prisoners. "You got your thing?" I asked him behind my shoulder.

"Yes, I've got my thing, now - keep moving," Rocket hissed.

The three of us moved forwards, switching between non suspicious walking to hunched sprinting. We got to one prison, the one closest to the exit, and if I nearly stopped in my tracks as my heart dropped, I couldn't image how Thor must have felt. Loki was there, encased by the orange. He was lying on a bed, tossing an object into the air and catching it. I gulped sadly, trying to force down any emotion, I didn't even get to say goodbye to him.

I reached forwards and took Thor's hand in my own and by the sweat, I could already tell that seeing his dead brother had affected him.

"Come on," I whispered, urging him forward since we were on a strict time schedule but not without guilt.

I heard him let out a breathy sigh as we pushed ahead, past Loki's cell and to the stone exit.

We entered the palace as it was just extravagant as I remembered it to be. Pillars stretched higher than the eye could see as every aspect was carved out of stone, a shocking contrast to the golden, gleaming outside.

The three of us stopped by one of the pillars, perfect for keeping us out of sight. Just a mere few meters away was Jane Foster, clad in Asgardian wear.

"That's Jane," said Thor, pointing forwards as she spoke to a maid outside of her door.

"All right," Rocket said, turning to us both with intent in his eyes which took me aback slightly. "Here's the deal. Selene, you're on watch duty, have your sword at the ready," he said and I shrugged, hearing out his plan. "Tubby, you're gonna charm her." I bit my lip to keep my words in, now was not the time to be a jealous girlfriend. "I'm gonna poke her with this thing," he continued holding up the devise. "And extract the Reality Stone and get gone, lickety-split."

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