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Through the shimmering Gateway of Hermes, I landed on the ground on one knee, gripping my bag tightly behind the masses of kneeling people

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Through the shimmering Gateway of Hermes, I landed on the ground on one knee, gripping my bag tightly behind the masses of kneeling people. Whimpers of fear from the civilians echoed around my ears as I saw Loki of Asgard address the mortals.

My heart thundered in shock as a I saw his green armour, Loki was supposed to be dead? The whole of Asgard mourned for him, his family mourned for him, I saw the Rainbow Bridge break with my own eyes! But there he stood holding a spiked, golden sceptre with a glowing, blue core.

If I knew that the thief was Loki, I would have been much more inclined to agree. Loki was the force that made me seeing my father again all the more difficult.

"You are made to be ruled. In the end, you'll always kneel," said Loki's multiplied selves.

"Not to men like you," an older man with white hair said, standing up in defiance.

I sunk my head is frustration. I hugely applaud that man's courage but this is not the time nor place for it.

"There are no men like me." Loki smirked.

"There are always men like you," he said as I tried to silently unzip my bag to get out my necklace.

"Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example."

Loki started to lift up his sceptre.

I couldn't dig to grab my necklace in time so I gripped the hilt of a dagger that I had in the waistband of my jeans and launched it at the closest figure of Loki. The dagger only flew straight through it and the figure phased away, it wasn't the real him. 

"Selene of Olympus," the real Loki said, extending his arms. "How lovely to see you again."

"I am afraid I cannot say the same." I replied gritting my teeth, my English filtered with my accent from anger.

Loki snarled and pointed his sceptre at the man. The light blue stream hurtled towards him, giving me no time to reach him but a man jumped from the sky brandishing a great red, blue and white shield. I wasn't expecting the sudden assistance, he must be apart of the 'response team.'

My face fell pale as the stream of deadly light bounced off his shield and hit Loki. No matter how much I wanted Loki dead, it couldn't happen, King Odin would not be happy.

"You know the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everyone else, we ended up disagreeing." The man said, walking towards Loki.

"The soldier. The man out of time," Loki laughed.

A jet zoomed over us and out clicked a great gun. I gazed upwards, struck at how a team was assembled so quickly.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down."

A voice boomed over the PA.

Loki zapped the jet, causing it to fly to the side, narrowly avoiding his blast. In retaliation, the star-spangled man threw his shield at Loki and began to attack.

Chaos ensued. The crowd roared with fear and began to scatter.

"Everybody, it is okay! Stay calm and get home!" I screamed over the crowd in my terribly broken German while bending to help up an older lady who had fallen.

I ushered the Germans out of the gallery square as the man fought with Loki.

Loki managed to flip him over, causing him to crash painfully on the ground. I picked up the dagger that I threw at Loki earlier and rushed towards them before Loki could do any further damage to the man who saved me moments before. I decided to stick with hand to hand combat despite the dark. Plus, I hadn't used my powers throughout the entire year. I was worried that they would fail me in the moment of need.

I slid into the scene just as Loki was about to touch the sceptre to the man's chest.

I sliced at Loki's calf, bringing him to kneel.

"Look who's kneeling now," I smirked as he snarled at me.

Loki launched towards me, swiping his sceptre down upon me. I jumped backwards and ducked as he tried again. I brought my dagger up as it clashed with his sceptre. He pressed downwards and it clattered out of my hands. I blocked his next blow with my arm and jabbed my knuckles at his sensitive neck but he recovered quickly and twisted his sceptre and knocked me down with the bottom of it.

"You spoke too soon, Daughter of Artemis." He mocked, beginning to bring his sceptre down at me.

Out of nowhere, AC/DC's 'shoot to thrill' blasted out of the jet's speakers causing an involuntary smile to blossom on my face, my fathers favourite band. "Make your move, reindeer man," the flamboyant man in the metal said as a selection of guns unveiled from behind his suit. The man with the shield pulled me back to my feet and I smiled at him with gratitude, catching my breath.

"Captain Steve Rogers, pleasure to meet you," the man with the shield nodded.

"You too, Captain. I'm Selene Ariti of Olympus," I replied, tucking my dagger into my jacket.

"Olympus like Greek Gods Olympus?" He asked with raised brows as we walked towards the man with the iron suit.

"That's the one," I said as Loki's amour phased away.

"Good move," The unknown man said, putting away the weaponry.

"Mr Stark," Steve said to the man.

"Captain," he replied.

Rogers bent over to to bind Loki's hands tightly as the jet landed in the square.

"Thanks for that...Mr Robot," I said, grimacing silently as I completely forgot his name.

"No problem Xena, Warrior Princess and it's Iron Man, actually, or Tony Stark," he said holding out a metal hand.

I shook it as a redheaded women, clad in black walked down from jet. "Nice job boys and girls," she said making her way towards me.

"Nice to see there's another women on the team," I said, shaking her hand with a smile.

"Likewise, Selene, the boys can get a bit too feisty sometimes and I knew we'll be able to put them in their place. I'm Natasha Romanoff," she said, leading me into the quinjet.

My palms were already sweaty with nerves, being surrounded by all these incredibly people only out me on edge and made me wonder what my place among this all was.

My palms were already sweaty with nerves, being surrounded by all these incredibly people only out me on edge and made me wonder what my place among this all was

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