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new mexico

I didn't think Thor would have garnered any attention, he'd only been on Earth for less than a day but of course he did, I mean he isn't exactly easy to miss with his height and his general confusion to everything around him

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I didn't think Thor would have garnered any attention, he'd only been on Earth for less than a day but of course he did, I mean he isn't exactly easy to miss with his height and his general confusion to everything around him.

I sat at the back of the huge truck, jolting as we drove over the bumpy roads that were covered in sandy spots of desert growth. I hardly wanted to pay attention to Thor and Jane's obvious flirting, although I didn't think it was so blatant to either of them, so I stared out to the barren land, slightly uncomfortable with being a third wheel of sorts.

"You know, I've never done anything like this before," said Jane while shaking her head, the excitement evident on her face. Jane Foster was incredibly kind woman. She was very welcoming when she saw me walking alongside Thor despite her confusion at my sudden appearance in New Mexico. I contemplated telling her my real name, wanting to keep a low profile, but decided to anyway. "Have you guys?" She asked, looking back at me and then at Thor.

He chuckled at her lack of experience, "Many times."

"Too many times," I chimed, thinking of my Five Trials and how I was forced to leave Greece.

"But you are brave to do it, doing this," said Thor looking at her.

"Well, they just stole my entire life's work. I don't really have much to loose," she said, annoyance seething through her expression.

"But you're cleaver, far more cleaver than anyone else on this realm," Thor replied.

"Realm? Realm?" She laughed. "Are you even from here Selene or are you a total mystery like this guy?"

I smiled at her poor bewilderment but also oddly surprised that she didn't notice my accent. "Yeah, I was born in Greece," I said with a soft smile, wishing that I was able to go back.

"You think me strange then?" Thor said grinning at her. I could see his fondness for her, even though they had only known each other a few days.

"Yeah, I do," she replied.

"Good strange or bad strange?" He asked.

"I'm not quite sure yet," she giggled and I rolled my eyes, it'd be easier for them to kiss and get it over with rather then me being stuck here like a rat in the sewer. "But who are you though, really?"

"You'll see soon enough," Thor said.

"Seeking of," I said, growing tired of their flirty banter. "How long until we get there?"

"Er, another hour or so I think," Jane said, tilting her head to the side to glance back at me.

"Great," I hummed, biting my inner lip as I leaned my head against the rough headrest.

* * *

We were swallowed in the encroaching darkness by the time we reached the crater. We parked over the hill to see it swarming with government operatives, some wearing thick, padded armour and carrying guns and others clad in black formal wear. They had built up a huge plastic protection around Mjolnir, every inch of the carter being covered, not letting anyone see in.

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