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TRIGGER WARNING!!! - this chapter includes serious topics involving pregnancy

new asgard

eight weeks later

Life was good.

Thor and I have been doing well these last couple of months. Surprisingly so, especially since the news of the coming baby. If anything, I feel like this growing life inside of me has only brought us closer, mending and sewing together the stray threads of our two persons.

Time seemed to be passing rapidly these weeks. To me my stomach had hardly grown but Thor was confident that I had the smallest of bumps and wouldn't let that idea down. I had found out that he had even bribed Brunnhilde to repeat his words because he was not having my constant disagreement. His excitement was unexpected but greatly endearing, I'd never had thought Thor would be excited to become a father.

That morning, I woke up to see Thor already awake, his head perched on his hand to prop himself up on the mattress. His attention was focused on my belly, the duvet had been kicked to the bottom of the bed during the night. One hand was placed on my stomach, rubbing the smallest of circles.

"When you come to meet us my sweet, I're going to have the most wonderful life. Your mother and I are going to shower you with love even greater than the size of the galaxy. Now, I know it may be a little hard for daddy at first, I never had the best example of a father but I promise you I will give it my absolute all, dearest, I promise you."

Thor's tiniest of circles on my lower belly continued, matching the pace of my rising chest. A smile grew onto my face, a smile so great that the corners of my mouth felt taut. I was so proud of the lengths that this man had come. He didn't even know it yet but he was going to be the best father.

I pretended to lay still asleep for a while, not wanting Thor to feel like I invaded him moment with his future child. Even though we have never been closer, I knew that in that moment it was just him and them. I closed my eyes, listening to the sound of his rough morning voice and drifted back to sleep full of hopeful dreams of the future.

"Αγάπη μου, I'm so sorry but I left my coat on the bannister, would you grab it for me?" I asked pouting at Thor just as he reached the bottom on the stairs. I must of left it up there since I spent a while in the toilet this morning, having a great amount of bowel motion.

We were about to leave the house for our new weekly rounds of the town. It's become second nature of us now to check on the citizens and the mandatory jobs that need to be done.

"You're lucky that I love you," he said, pointing at me joking while I smiled sweetly in return, slapping his bum as he turned around to go back up the stairs. "Very lucky!" He shouted over his shoulder, making me laugh.

Once we finally left the house and I pulled on my coat, we made our way over to the small cliffs overlooking the ocean that was just ahead of our house. The water crashed against the rocks, Thor had to pull me quickly to the side so I avoided the wave spilling over the top. The fishermen's main port was just by the cliffs edge, a stone staircase of sorts leading down to a sandy area, the perfect spot.

They were out very early this morning, a summer storm was forecasted yesterday as well as the fishermen having kept an eye on the barometer, detecting the low air pressure, the optimal fishing conditions.

"Frode, Erik, Waiola, how's it looking this morning?" Thor called out as we approached them. I wrapped my hands around Thor's bicep, holding onto him.

"Your Highness, Lady Selene," Erik greeted us and I bowed my head slightly, smiling at the three of them. "It was a brilliant catch this morning, the inshore was brimming, just what we needed in light of the recent poorer harvests."

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