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new asgard

three months later

I stared down at myself through the mirror

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I stared down at myself through the mirror.

My hair laid on my shoulders, I had just got Brunnhilde to cut it since she was surprising good with scissors, not that I didn't trust Thor. It's lighter than it normally is, the summer sun brightening it to a subtle walnut. My cheeks were filled out, I'd put on a bit of weight these last few months, partly because I'd been visiting the bakery far more than I usually do and partly because...

My eyes flitted to my stomach and my hands went down to rest my hands on it. I was wearing a baggy dress, something shapeless, to cover up the bump for the last month.

I'm surprised that Thor hasn't even said anything but gods was I thankful for it. I wanted to wait to say anything, just in case anything happened because I was scared, scared of what would happen to us even though it was incredibly selfish of me. I'd known for a while now and it's coming up to three months, the likeliness of anything happening being reduced considerably.

Part of me was also incredibly anxious to tell Thor. Would he be mad at me for not telling him?  Would he think me foolish for believing that anything would happen to our relationship even though we've been through it and worked our way out of our tough patch? Would he be angry at the fact that I'm expecting? Would he not even want to be a father after everything that happened or was he perfectly content with the way life was right now and wants nothing to change? Because life was good right now, we were good, better than we'd ever been and I don't want that to change.

I knew I was being stupid. It was all in my head and I knew no matter what happened, he'd have my back.

I sighed deeply, dropping my hands and making my way to the kitchen where he was eating his breakfast.

It was now or never.

He was sitting on a stool by the counter, eating a large plate of eggs and toast he'd made.

"Morning, love," I said, peppering a small kiss on his cheek as I walked in.

"Oh, hey, babe," Thor said, smiling at me. "I cut you some fruit, I know you've been wanting strawberries these last few days," He added, pointing over to the fridge.

"Thanks, that's really sweet you of you," I said, walking over to the fridge, my hands shaking as I pulled it open. While picking up a fork, I took in a deep breathe to calm my aching nerves.

"Are you okay? You were up there for a while," Thor asked, mouth full of food.

"Yeah, yeah," I said somewhat unconvincingly as I took the stool beside him. "I've just been...thinking..." I continued, pocking mindlessly at the strawberries with my fork.

"Yeah? About what?" He asked attentively, noticing my body language as I slouched lowly over the counter with my eyes darting down.

"About us..." I said finally. "I'm just so thankful for what we've got you know? So proud of everything we've achieved together and all of the things we've fought through to still be here today, together still."

selene // thor odinsonWhere stories live. Discover now