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new mexico

I woke with drowsy eyes as soon as the sun leaked through the wide gaps of the motel room curtains

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I woke with drowsy eyes as soon as the sun leaked through the wide gaps of the motel room curtains. I had been tossing and turning the whole night, repeatedly waking from nightmares of Zeus, shrouded by lightening, reaching down to grasp me out of bed.

Truthfully, it was a waiting game. I couldn't leave Earth until someone from Olympus came to get me. I knew I had failed, it was just whether they knew.

Jane had kindly offered me some of her clothes to wear as mine were wet and muddy and even offered to let me stay with her. I refused yet promised to join them for breakfast.

I picked up the clothes I had bought yesterday from the dry cleaning, changing into them and headed to Jane's lab.

I knocked softly on the open glass door, not wanting to intrude onto a scene that looked out of happy families. Jane, who was by the stove, waved her hands at me, ushering me in. I smiled timidly and opened the door.

"Morning everyone," I said, walking towards the round table.

"Morning, Selene, come get some breakfast," Jane said, handing me a plate of scrambled eggs.

"Thanks Jane, for everything. I mean you don't even know who I am yet you've treated me with so much kindness that I don't even deserve." I said, holding the plate.

"Don't be silly, Selene, we're happy to have you here," she smiled, turning back to the eggs.

I smiled at her and sat beside the two people on the round table.

"I'm Darcy, by the way," a girl a few years younger than me yawned.

"Nice to meet you," I beamed then shoveled a large helping of toast into my mouth. Using my powers really takes it out of me.

Thor walked towards us with two plates in his hands and a tea-towel draped over his shoulder. He looked much happier than yesterday and I was glad, I still felt terrible for what I said to him.

I offered to help wash up with Thor so I picked up the dishes off the table and put them into the sink. Something clicked within me, muscle memory I suppose, from working in the restaurant most of my life. I felt bittersweet doing such a simple action that I hadn't done for years.

"I wash, you dry?" I said to him, turning on the tap and he nodded, taking the tea-towel off his shoulder.

"How are you feeling, Selene?" He asked, smiling at me.

"I'm okay, there's nothing really I can do now except wait," I said, starting to scrubb the dirty mugs.

"I am sorry," he said, looking at me with those sad eyes again.

"It's not your fault, please stop apologising." I said, looking down at the sink. "I left early last night, did you go on for much longer?" I asked, glancing at Dr Selvig.

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