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My nimble fingers found their way to my arrow pendent as the quinjet dropped onto the ground just off the coast in between the coverage of a few trees

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My nimble fingers found their way to my arrow pendent as the quinjet dropped onto the ground just off the coast in between the coverage of a few trees.

"See that big old ship there," Stark said, pointing towards a great ship in the centre of a barren wasteland. "That's where he'll be."

"Are we gonna be carried again?" I huffed, pulling my ponytail tighter.

"I am afraid so, Selene," Thor said with the ghost of a smile.

I breathed harshly from my nose as Thor dropped me from his grasp, the strong odor of oil infiltrating my nostrils when we reached the ship.

"Stark, Thor and I will attack Ultron face on but not until we have to interfere. Hawkeye, Widow and Selene, you guys take cover and be on the look out for the twins but again, don't interfere unless you have to. Banner's back up but let's try and get this done quick," Steve said as we walked towards the ship. "Try and stay as low as you can, you don't know who the workers could alert."

Thor, Steve and Stark headed for the middle of the ship. Nat went left, Clint went right and I went up. I climbed the metal steps, my fingers gracing the handrail gently as I tried to avoid the eye of the workers. My vision suddenly went black, my fingers tightening along the railing.

"That was the power, Ultron must be here," Stark said through my earpiece.

I hurried my pace, not bothered to be seen by the newfound darkness. I wove between the panicking workers and reached a stack of shipping crates. I jumped up on it and launched off them. I grabbed ahold of the metal pole above me and hauled myself onto the catwalk of the upper level. I tiptoed down further until I caught sight of Ultron and Klaue, stopping in my tracks.

"They're negotiating a Vibranium deal," came Steve's hushed voiced, altering myself so that they where somewhere below me. I squinted my eyes, trying to make out the scene in front of me. I drew my sword off my back and crouched to the ground, waiting for Cap's call.

"Ah junior," Stark said as I saw him fly down in front of Ultron, flanked by Cap and Thor. "You're going to break your old man's heart."

I caught eyes of Nat and Clint who looked up at me from either side of the scene and nodded my head at them, ready for action.

"If I have to," Ultron said.

"No one has to break anything," wagered Thor.

"Clearly you've never made an omelet," Ultron said, causing me to narrow my eyes.

"You beat me by one second," Stark said which made me roll them.

"Ah, yes. He's funny, Mr Stark," said the male twin, Pietro Maximoff. "It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?"

It then clicked, he was talking about his old weaponry company. "This was never my life."

"You two can still walk away from this," said Cap to the twins.

selene // thor odinsonWhere stories live. Discover now