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"So this is it?" I asked as we ducked through the gaping mouth of impenetrable blackness

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"So this is it?" I asked as we ducked through the gaping mouth of impenetrable blackness.

Small, loose stones littered the floor, crunching under our shoes as we get closer to the rock surface. The cave came into view, an entrance so small even I had to force myself through. The cave was built into the crumbling, grey rock and it's walls were so jagged and uneven, the slightest touch would break skin. The sound of dripping water echoed off the dense stone walls, gathering at the glimmering pool ahead of us. The earthy scent, filled my nose, making the damp air slightly difficult to breathe.

"Yes, the Water of Sight," Selvig answered as the three of us stared at the black, watery mirror holding constellations both old and young.

"In every realm, there is a reflection," Thor said and my mind casts to the crystal waters that lay hidden behind the Pantheon between the crevices of Mount Olympus. "If the water spirits except me, I can return to my dream and find what I missed." He said, crouching on the stone to gaze into it.

"Men who enter that water, the legends don't end well," Selvig said softly.

"Are you sure there is no way I can share the effects of the waters, share it's damage?" I asked, not wanting Thor to be hurt anymore than he has to be.

"That is very kind of you, Selene, but it would only cloud my vision," Thor said, turning back to look at me. "Besides, you only saw one of the Stones. We need to figure out what they all are."

Thor bent over and shrugged off his shoes and socks, pushing them to the back wall of the cave. When he rose, I helped pull the jacket off his back. As he tugged off his shirt, I tried not to stare at his body.

"Selene," he started, turning to look at me. His rough hands took my face, his thumbs tracing my cheeks. "You must promise me that no matter what happens, you will not let me out until I finish my dream." I looked at him, almost awe-struck. The care that was hidden in is eyes was so immense that I nearly didn't process what he was saying to me.

I started to speak, hands going up to reach his in protest. "But Thor-"

"Selene, it was what we must do. We must find out what they are and what they can do. We must find out the cause of your father's death," he said, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Okay?"

"Alright," I whispered as he back away from me, leaving me a little breathless.

Part of me was annoyed that he brought up my father, knowing it was the only way to get me to back down. The other part was honoured, touched that he cared enough about my father to put himself through these hardships.

I dropped his clothes onto the dry ground and stepped back to stand beside Dr Selvig.

We watched with running concern as he inched himself into the glimmering waters, shivers overtaking his body. He lowered himself deeper into the pool, panting heavily as his eyes glazed over. I nibbled anxiously on my lip as the water spirits accepted him, the dream flashing in in his mind.

selene // thor odinsonWhere stories live. Discover now