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As I stood there, everything seemed to descend into chaos

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As I stood there, everything seemed to descend into chaos.

Thanos saw Carol fly past him and he threw his double edged sword at Scott's van and my heart crushed as a sonic wave echoed around it. What on Zeus' name where they going to do now?! Carol was thrown backwards too and she lost her grip on the gauntlet which dropped down to the ground.

I began to rush forwards, forcing myself to use my last bit of energy to help the team and to keep the gauntlet away from Thanos. In my run, Tony was closest to the gauntlet. He pushed Thanos and went to grab it but Thanos was quicker, smacking him away, knocking him out.

The gauntlet was still on the ground and Thanos tried to take it but Thor was next to tackle Thanos with both Stormbreaker and Mjolnir in his hand. He caught Thanos' hand and pushed it back. He used Mjolnir too, baring his teeth and he used all his might to push Stormbreaker closer and closer to Thanos' chest. He pined Thanos' arm down, Thor's blade nearing Thanos' heart. Steve came from behind, jumping on Thanos' back and pulling on Stormbreaker too. The two of them yelled, trying to get the axe to pierce Thanos' skin. But Thanos knocked his head back, making Steve loose his grip then he knocked it forwards, smacking Thor. Thanos pulled Steve over his back and tossed him to the ground, repeatedly punching him in the face to render him motionless.

I met the battle, holding my sword tight in my hands as Thanos gripped the gauntlet. I raised it high, glancing quickly at the moon in the dark night and noticed the gem in the hilt glow greater than it had all day. I swung my sword over my head, summoning a mass of moonlight and pointed it at Thanos. He went flying, the gauntlet leaving his hands. I stood over him, my sword pointing at his neck as he lay. I tried to thrust downwards but he caught the sword between his palms. His blood dribbled down my sword as he pushed back. He grit his teeth as he managed to overpower me, kicking me backwards.

I landed, coughing violently next to Thor. I felt his hand touch mine as we laid on the ground, trying to keep our thundering hearts from pounding out of our chests.

Thanos picked up the gauntlet but Carol flew forwards and punched Thanos with all her might while he holds the gauntlet. Carol continued to punch him but Thanos grabbed her arm and flung her away. Thanos put on the gauntlet, radiation eating at him as he tried to Snap but Carol got back up and grabs his hand and opened it up. Thanos headbutts her and she remains strong. Carol starts to get the upper hand by beating Thanos to his knee but it seemed like Thanos had had enough. He pulled out the power stone and uses his other hand to hit Carol away, knocking her out. He put the Stone back into the gauntlet and screams at the radiation hitting him.

Everything that  next happened too fast too account.

All I could do in that moment was watch with a hand over my mouth and tears brimming in my eyes.

"I am...inevitable," Thanos said, his face clear as he had finished his mission but then he snapped and nothing could be heard but a metallic CLINK.

A tear escaped my eye as I saw that Tony had the Stones on his own gauntlet. He twitched with pain, the radiation from the Infinity Stones coursing through him.

"And I...I...am...Iron Man."

He snapped his fingers and flash of white blinded me.

Utter shock was ridden throughout me as Thanos' army began to crumble to ash. I grasped Thor's hand tightly and looked at him, both our mouths agape. We had won. I looked back out to the battlefield to see Thanos gaze around in horror. He sat down, alone, before being erased from existence himself.

Thor and I walked forwards slightly, worry for Tony running though us but we stopped once we saw him lying on the ground, his entire right side fatally injured. Pepper, Rhodey and Peter sat around him. We couldn't make out their conversation but the sight alone was enough to understand what was happening. Tony's arc reactor flickered off and another tear escaped my eye. I looked down as Pepper's cries echoed across the barren battlefield.

Though my blurry eyes, I saw Clint drop to his knee. I followed, bending to my knee and Thor went down with me. Our hands still threaded together. All of the team, one by one, came down to kneel in honour of our friend Tony Stark.

It was always Tony to make the unsuspecting play.

It was always Tony to make the unsuspecting play

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