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"I've never requested anything from The Twelve before, I feel like I'm gonna be sick," Penelope mumbled, holding her stomach

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"I've never requested anything from The Twelve before, I feel like I'm gonna be sick," Penelope mumbled, holding her stomach. "No, I actually feel the bile rising. This isn't gonna be pretty."

Penelope and I had made our way back to Olympus and were climbing the steps to the great, golden doors of the Pantheon. I, too, was nervous but I had to keep a brave face for my best-friend because if we wanted to get this done efficiently and protect the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D team on Earth, we had to get through to them.

"Please, I'm begging you. Don't throw up, not now," I said, grimacing.

"So you're telling me I can throw up after?"

"You can be sick literally any other time other than now."

"Okay," Penelope said, swallowing thickly.

"Listen, I've done this before. I once managed to live down on Greece, go help the Avengers and went on a scavenge with Thor, all with their permission."

"Piece of cake, for the queen of Asgard," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Life or death, Pen," I shrugged, taking in a deep breath before pushing open the doors.

"Daughters of Poseidon and Artemis," Zeus boomed down at us. He sat on the central throne, his wife and brother being the only ones there. "I presume you've returned to tell us of your failures?"

"No, my King," Penelope answered bowing her head and I followed her path.

"No? So the job is completed?" He asked, surprise clear within his voice.

"Not exactly, King Zeus," I answered, looking upwards again.

"Explain," he huffed.

"We've found the source, the gateway to Tartarus and have managed to eliminate every threat that has emerged so far," I explained. "The organisation I work for on Earth, S.H.I.E.L.D, have helped us greatly and are currently keeping an heavily armed, around the clock watch."

"You need a means to close the portal," Hera said, nodding in understanding.

"Yes, my Queen." Penelope said, stepping forwards. "Selene tried to close it but it didn't seem to work. We were stuck for a while but, forgive me if I'm speaking out of my bounds, there was an attempt...an attempt to close Tartarus permanently after his rise. That Hecate has created a spell and that it worked, but only for a while, then it became undone due to Tartarus' strength."

"Hmm," hummed Zeus, eyeing the two of us. "Continue."

"It is our idea," Penelope said, swallowing slightly in intimidation so I nodded, encouraging her to keep going as she was doing so well. "That perhaps, this spell could work for this situation. The opening is small, more than a hundred times smaller than the main portal."

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