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The quinjet soared through the dark night sky, over the rocky mountains and through the grey clouds

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The quinjet soared through the dark night sky, over the rocky mountains and through the grey clouds. I sat in front of Loki, staring at him intently, trying to figure out what was going on inside his head. My hands were tapping continuously on the sides of my legs and my thoughts raced through my aching mind. Was this going to be that simple? Did I really need to leave the village just for this?

"I don't like it," Steve whispered to Tony.

"What Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" replied Tony.

"I don't remember it being ever that easy. This guy packs a wallop."

"Still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?" Tony joked as I continued to stare coldly at Loki, him staring back with just as blank of a face. His dark eyes didn't leave my own for even a second.

"What?" questions Steve.

"It's like callisthenics. You might have missed a couple of things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle."

Thunder and lightening suddenly shook the jet, almost tossing us violently off course. I gripped the sides of my seat tightly, trying to keep myself balanced. My heart matched the storm above us and I let out a deep sigh and dropped my head. Leaning back in the chair, I shared a knowing look with Loki.


I hadn't seen him since I left Asgard after the celebration of peace between our realms. I must admit, I did miss the man. In the short time that we knew each other, we became quite close. Our experiences were too similar not to give us an odd sort of bond. But under these exact circumstances, I did not wish to see him right now.

"What's the matter, scared of a little lightening?" Steve teased.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows," Loki said solemnly.

"But it can't be," I rushed. "The Bifrost-" I begun but was instantly cut off by the frantic jerking of the quinjet causing me to clutch at the back of my seat.

Tony opened the ramp of the jet and put on his helmet.

"Stark, I don't think that's a good idea." I said.

And I was right.

The mighty Thor landed on the ramp, hammer gripped in his hand. He thrust Mjolnir at Tony, knocking him down and grasped Loki by the collar.

His sparkling eyes met mine with surprise and I looked back with eyes wide. "Lady Selene," he smiled but instantly swung Mjolnir and flew out into the darkened sky.

"Now there's that guy," Tong grumbled as he got up.

"Another Asgardian?" Natasha questioned from the front.

"He's on our side," I said, standing up from my seat but I could tell my words meant nothing.

"It doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost." Tony turned and got ready to go jump off the jet to chase down Thor.

"Stark, we need a plan of attack," Steve shouted after him.

"I have a plan." He said, still walking. "Attack."

"Thor wouldn't do-" I trailed off as Stark already jumped off the quinjet.

Steve jumped forward and grabbed a parachute.

"I'm coming with you, Cap." I said, pulling on my necklace to put on my amour. I've now learnt to never take it off. "I might be able to get through to Thor."

"I won't argue with that." He said pulling on his parachute. "Nice armour."

"Thanks, my uncle made it." I said.

I drew in a deep breathe, clearing my mind of any resistant thoughts and leaped off the quinjet, following the others.

As I soared through the cold, whipping night air, flashes of intense blue light obscured my vision. I made my way much faster than the Captain without a parachute, I guess I felt a little more daring than normal with my demi-god abilities. My body continued hurtling through the air as Thor and Iron Man fought pointlessly and I scoffed as they flew through the air.

My eyes glinted toward Loki, alone standing on the cliff, unsupervised. I could either end their idiotic brawl or ensure that Loki didn't escape. As I drew closer to the ground, I leaned to the right, moving toward the sharp peaked cliff where Loki stood watching over the scene. I was part of this 'team' for a reason and I was going to fulfill that purpose.

I struck down on one knee on top of the the crumbling cliff. I unsheathed my sword as I kicked Loki to the ground, pointing my sword at his neck.

As I watched Thor head-butt Iron Man to the twig riddled floor, Loki piped, "You know that really wasn't necessary, I wasn't going to escape. It is just as much entertainment for me as it is for you."

"That may just be you saying that to try and find a way to escape," I said, removing my boot from his chest anyway. "Don't you dare try anything." I warned, glaring at him and gripping my sword.

"I won't, I know I couldn't possibly fare against the great Selene of Olympus." He mocked, referring to how he almost killed me twice at the square. "You know, I saw the way you looked at my brother during the fight against the Destroyer. How does it feel knowing he choose a puny mortal over you?"

Still watching as the Captain stopped their fight, I elbowed Loki in the nose causing him to stumble back in pain. I quirked my eyebrow with satisfaction, ignoring the effort his words had on my pounding heart.

"I don't know what you're doing up here, you'd probably manage better than that Captain in ending this stupid fight," he mused, wiping the dripping blood from his nose as Thor protested against Steve. "Stupid but entertaining."

"I know," I nodded. "But the testosterone down there would have been stifling."

"What a compliment," Loki said, a wry smile forming on his face.

"It's not. Your lunacy overpowers all other qualities." I said as Thor smashed his hammer against Steve's shield with a terrible PANG. I ducked my head, shielding my eyes from the furious blue glare.

When the big boys finally grew up, Thor landed back on the cliffs edge where Loki and I stood.

"Finished being stubborn?" I teased, sheathing my sword once again.

"Well, the tin-man questioned my authority, I had to do something," he answered.

"It's good to see you again Thor," I smiled.

"Likewise, Lady Selene," he said, taking my hand in his own and kissing it gently.

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