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"I'm sorry," I told him as I parked in my driveway, seeing his house in my rear view mirror. It felt as if I was apologizing to him every second since our moment by the river. Everything in me raged against apologizing to him. There was nothing to be sorry about, my wolf screamed at me. But I knew that wasn't true. I couldn't imagine what Kai was feeling now.
Before that moment I would have said Kai was the more dominant one of us two. But after that moment with us, I realized that wasn't true. It was all a show he put on because his damn father was always preaching about being the strongest alpha. As if he knew what it meant to be alpha. But they pressured Kai to be one, hyped him up his whole life telling him he'd be one.
Of course they jinxed him or something and he would become omega.
I wouldn't admit it to him, but I loved it. To have someone as strong willed as Kai, begging for me to touch him, moaning at the sound of my voice, it completed something inside of me. Made me feel needed by him.
Ive always felt empty, cold and alone. But now I felt full.
Probably full of bullshit.
I truly felt bad for my friends plight. But I enjoyed what we now had. Couldn't get enough of it. Wanted more.
Ive always looked up to him, having no family of my own, only an older sister who was hardly home, I've always looked to him for guidance. Always saw myself as his little pit bull. Remaining loyal only to him. Snapping at anyone who fucked with him.
I knew if it was him who had become alpha and me omega, I'd have bowed instantly. Sure, I've never thought of him as anything more than a good friend; as family, but the moment I rocked against his body, the moment I had tasted his lips, I felt lost.
Or more accurately, I felt at home.
Which made me believe there must have been some type of mix up.
Kai didn't seem to like this arrangement at all. His body enjoyed it but he looked at me with want and hate now. It made me want to run away. But the alpha in me was rooted in spot, liking the challenge, wanting to get him to beg for my cock. I knew I could get him to fold, if I just touched him the right way, sucked him off, kissed him all over, I bet he'd fold.
But I didn't want him to regret it. To end up hating me more. I tried to reign the damn beast in. I hoped it wouldn't always be this hard. There was a battle of wills not only going on with Kai and I, but one I waged against myself and my wolf.
If we fucked, it would be because Kai wanted it, and not because he was omega and as an omega wanted to give an alpha what he wanted. I wanted him to want me. Not his wolf want my wolf. But him, Kai, want me, Shadow. As I wanted him now.
"Whatever," he snapped and got out the car and it took everything to remain still and not jump out the car to make him show me some respect. Stop it! Bad wolf!
I sighed, wishing Kai knew what I did. Being together wouldn't make him weak. Being gay and taking my dick in his ass wouldn't mean he was less than any other wolf. There were gay werewolves who never got any shit about it, more or less, there's always a few assholes around.
As if it mattered! But I knew it did to Kai. His father was the reason for that. The bastard used to beat on him to be a man before I arrived in town. I nearly killed his father when I got close to Kai and realized what was going on.
Or when Kai got close to me, getting me to open up about the abuse I suffered at the hands of my parent's killers.
Since then as I said, I was his guard dog. So when his father beat him near to death one night, I reacted and almost tore off the man's arm. Promising death if it ever happened again.
And it never did. Not again. And nothing else would ever happen to Kai. He was mine. I knew it with my very being. I knew it before the change in us although I didn't know the extent.
But now I knew. I watched him go inside his house, heard how hard the door slammed behind him.
What would it take for Kai to acknowledge what he felt about me? Would his upbringing make him fight hard against it? Or maybe he truly didn't want me...
The thought made me feel like I was spiraling down a dark hole.
Going inside my house I only showered and changed before grabbing what I needed to and heading to Kai's house.
"I'm sorry," I texted him again and saw he read it but didn't reply. So I called him.
"What?" He growled, but I smiled at the fact that he answered.
"Open the door Kai," I instructed and heard a long pause. "I got that new game you wanted," I tempted, almost forgetting with all this mess going on that I had bought a new video game that Kai and I had wanted to play.
Kai hung up and I thought I would have to kick his door down when he opened the front door. We always played video games after school, but he obviously wanted to avoid me. But not enough that he would pass up the chance to play this new game. "I go first," he said and I smiled and followed him upstairs.

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