65. Shadow

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"Ash made it too late," the alpha floated as he stalked towards me. We were now at his house, deep in the woods. The damn thing guarded and impenetrable. "My wolves are fighting his little rebellion now."
"W-why aren't you there?" I forced out a stutter.
He grinned. "I have my hands on a much greater treat than the still beating hearts of a few rebels. They'll be dead soon anyway. Ash could only rummage up a few followers after all. And I've got my whole pack."
Like Kai's father? I wanted to ask but held my tongue.
"Please, just let me go home. I want to go back."
"To Kai?" The alpha let out a laugh. "He's a dead wolf walking. How dare he keep what's mine. You're my pack and you're omega, he should have turned you in right away."
"Please," I hunched over and shook my shoulders unable to actually produce tears. It was hard when I was far from sad or scared. More like filled with anger that he'd ever talk about killing Kai. It nearly set me off. My claws were almost coming out. I rocked back and forth to appear afraid but also to control the shift from coming on.
"They all cry at first," his big meaty hands combed through my hair before he grabbed a fist full, yanking my head up. "But then they come to enjoy it, even crave it," he ducked down and slammed his mouth against mine. I wanted to open my mouth and allow his tongue to slip in just so I could bite it off.
"Brother," a man who looked similar to the alpha but slimmer burst through the door, interrupting and I was grateful for all these distractions today. It had to be my lucky day.
The alpha growled. "Dammit can't I have a fucking moment?"
"It's your followers," he choked out. "They've all joined the rebels."
The alpha pulled away and I had the satisfaction of seeing the shock on his face, the flash of fear in his eyes.
"Where are they?" His expression cleared as he stood up straight. He still had hope inside of him. He thought he was going to be alive by the end of this day. Not likely. It seemed everything was falling into place.
"Outside," his brothers voice sounded haunted. "They look ready to burn the place down. They've started a bonfire."
The alpha snarled. "Not likely. I'll go talk then down," he headed for the door. "Stay put pet," he said leaving.
"Should we evacuate underground," his brother trailed after him, asking.
"Why should we? Once I threaten or bribe everyone they'll go home..." his voice trailed off along with his brothers protests. The fool. Years and years of their family being top dog had went to his head. The alpha thought he was invincible. But I'll be sure to remind him he's nothing more than a sack of bones, blood and flesh.
They thought me weak so they barley had me tied up, it took no time to unbind myself and rush for the door. All I had to do was find a way to get everyone inside.
It had been easy to rile up the other teens to do this, to overthrow the alpha. But the adults? That took some work. But with Ash's help and the threat of their own children dying for what they stood for, they relented. Claire, Kai and Henry's parents were loyal and said no way. Even seemed they would run to the alpha and warn him. But with their children missing me and me threatening to send them back body parts, it became simple enough to sway them. Kidnapping Claire and Henry was a win win. I could use them against their parents and make sure the word about Kai being an omega didn't get out until after I tricked the alpha.
Kai's father found out Kai was omega a while back, he confronted me about kidnapping his son, after a fight that came to blows and Kai's mother overhearing and stepping in, her eyes blazing with fury as she demanded her husband help their son, it was all in the bag. I wasn't sure if Kai's father was doing this for his son, but for whatever reason, maybe guilt and old age, he seemed scared to lose his family and agreed to betray his leader. We set up the ruse of turning me in. To get me inside this so called fortress. It was locked down like Fort Knox, with high security. Anyone who tried to break in would die from automatic gunfire, poisoning gas or the floors opening up to deadly spikes. It was ridiculous the money they put into this house to keep others out but never lifted a finger to ensure the rest of the pack was safe.
Flying through the house, I found my target. The alphas twenty year old niece. She was sitting by a fire reading a book. Jewels glittered at her throat and ears. She didn't at all look surprised when I yanked her up. I noticed bruises already marring her arms. Fingerprints as if she was used to someone tossing her around. It made me instantly feel bad.
"Sorry," I muttered, as she blinked big owl like eyes at me. Ash told me to find her and get her to punch in the alarm code to shut down the houses defense system and to bring me to the electrical box and shut off all the power just in case. He said I wouldn't have to do much to sway her but I hadn't believed him.
Now I did.
"The alarm code-"
"This way," she snatched her arm back and sniffed. "Took you long enough," she said as I trailed behind her. "I've been locked up for years waiting for this day."
"Sorry, I just came of age this year," I felt thrown off by the conversation.
"Yeah well, you'd think the parents would have done this a long time ago, seeing as a couple of them lost their children to my dreadful uncle."
"How many omegas are there?" I wondered as she quickly typed in a code on the box. "Also where's the electric panel."
"Oh smart," she nodded and rushed off as I followed behind. "So let me put it this way. Betas are like brown eyed people. Very common. Alphas are like Blue eyed people. And omegas are like green eyed people. Even though there's a low percentage doesn't mean you don't meet a lot of 'em ya know? They'd have you believe omegas are like being born with purple or red eyes or something, but that's only so there's not a huge panic when so many go missing."
My gut twisted. Was this the same as everywhere else or only this fucked up backwaters town?
I wish I remembered more as a kid when we traveled all over. But I was too young to spot out the differences in wolves.
Once they got to the electric panels and shut it off, they set fire to the basement.
"Lots of your family could die," I told her making sure she understood that.
She snorted. "Good riddance. I wouldn't even hold a grudge if I were killed here today," she paused. "I do hope I get to be free of this place though." I grabbed her hand. "We're getting you out of here. Alive."

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