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Shadow didn't wait for me to get up; I looked out the window to see his Jeep was gone. And now that I thought about it; I hadn't seen it in his driveway when I got home last night for dinner.
My heart thumped painfully in my chest as I was forced to Uber to school, refusing to take the bus. Eighteen years old and riding the school bus? Screw that.
And damn if my heart didn't stop cold in my chest as I saw his Jeep in the parking lot. Ok, he was okay. He was alive at least. Annoyed, I made my way inside.
It wasn't until lunch that I spotted Shadow. I frowned as I saw a kid named, Blue, sitting with him. Blue was short, having to look up to look in Shadows eyes as he was now. He had jet black hair and green eyes and pale skin as if he never got out in the sun.
What a twink, I thought hotly.
I recalled how Blue flirted with Shadow once and how Shadow didn't react, as was usual for Shadow. Never showing emotion to anything unless you knew what to look for.
And then it hit me.
Has Shadow always been into males? Was I the only one out here struggling with my sexuality? Now that I thought on it, Shadow hadn't shown an interest in any gender or person. Not until me. Not until recently. Now suddenly he's letting Blue hang all over him?! Was that his type?
I burned up inside as Blue slid his hand up Shadow's arm. No one was looking on gasping and shouting about fags. No one blinked an eye.
Shadow looked down at Blue with that dark intense look in his eyes, the same look he had given me as he rubbed his dick against mine and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks in anger. I wanted to take my lunch tray and slam it upside his head.
You don't want me? He had asked all cocky.
He knew. He was doing this on purpose. He- I nearly fell to my knees as Blue slid his hand up and around the back of Shadow's neck, going up on his tiptoes and whispering something in his ear before pulling away with a grin.
"Shocker right?" I blinked and looked over as Kyle approached me. "I didn't know he was gay, I mean whatever but I had no clue a guy like Shadow swung that way," he flicked his shoulder length blonde hair out of his face as he stood next to me.
"What do you mean? A guy like Shadow?" I asked barley able to keep the emotion out my voice.
Kyle held up his pale hands. "I guess you're right, anyone, no matter how badass, can be gay, Huh?" He grinned at me as if we shared a joke and for a moment I thought he was making fun of me as if he knew and was poking at me. "Mr. Bane?" He clarified when I just stared at him. Ah, our principal, Mr. Bane. The hard ass. We were all surprised when his small thing of a husband had showed up on his birthday and made the whole school sing to Mr. Bane as he smiled (mr bane never smiled unless his husband showed up)
"Right," I nodded, looking back as Shadow dipped his head low and whispered something in Blue's ear. When they started moving towards the exit, I knew I couldn't let this go on. My mind tried to grasp on a reason on why I couldn't allow Shadow and Blue to hook up, but I was coming up empty. But it was a bad idea. Things could get messy.
Shadow and Blue, dammit it even had a ring to it, like their names sounded good together. Like a real couple.
No! There won't be any Shadow and Blue. It's always been Shadow and Kai. Kai and Shadow, yes that sounded per- with a growl I shook my head, clearing the ridiculous thoughts.
"I'll catch you later," I told Kyle as I followed where Shadow and Blue had left off to.
Fuck, I felt like a jealous girlfriend as I stalked around the corner: where did they go in such a hurry? Images of them doing the very same thing Shadow and I had done, and more, was filling my mind as I stalked after the pair.
My eyes widened when I made it outside and saw Shadow leaning against the wall with a biggest grin on his stupid face. No Blue in sight.
"What the fuck?" I asked confused. I was tense with worry. Shadow smiling like this? I felt as if there was a joke I wasn't in on.
"If you're looking for Blue, we split ways in the hallway," Shadow shrugged, still looking so smug as if he had proven a point. It made me want to punch something.
"As if I care," I huffed, crossing my arms. "What are you doing with him anyway? Are you gay?" I demanded an answer in which Shadow just cocked his head at me as silence descended for a long pause.  My cheeks burned at the long silence as if he was waiting for me the catch onto something stupid I've said. But I needed to know if he was attracted to other guys. He was the only guy I've ever been attracted to and I thought it was the same the other way around. Now I had doubts with this whole Blue mess. Now that he's had a gay awakening, would his eye start to wonder to others?
Crossing my arms to stop myself from throttling answers out of him, I waited.
"I've cum on you three times now and you're asking if Im gay?" He threw his head back and laughed and it made a blush work it's way from my chest to my ears. "Are you jealous that I might want someone other than you?" He shoved off the wall and stalked towards me. I gulped, wanting to hold my ground but finding myself backing up, afraid of him touching me. Afraid of how my body would respond.
"N-no," I cleared My throat and hissed. "No, I Don't care one way or another. Have at it. Enjoy." I all but ran back inside.
And nearly right into Claire.

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