49 Kai trigger warning

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Sensitive content for the next couple chapters you've been warned.

Everything was slowly going back to normal. Shadow had eased up slightly by the following week as I stuck to the three locations I was allowed to at the moment. I could tell his mental state was fragile right now so I didn't push him, only reassured him that everything was going to be alright that I wasn't planning on running head first into danger anymore.
The visits to my parents house were fine now that my father has been working a lot more hours, leaving me to have peace moments with my mom. She babied me and i could see guilt in her gaze every time she looked at me. It hurt but i didn't know how to make it right.
Ash should be coming into town soon, actually he should have been here, but he was taking his sweet time apparently. I didn't know how much more axe I could stomach and everyone was shooting me annoyed looks as if they too have had it up to here with the scent. I wouldn't be surprised if they called an intervention or something because this had to be classified as self harm.
We were in class when the group chat app lit up. "Dude, need clothes. Five miles away from school."
I looked over at Shadow who was shooting me what could only be described as a death stare. I had held up my hands in surrender, slumping more in my chair as if to prove I was staying out as he raised his hand, made and excuse and left class.
Ugh; whatever, let him handle something as boring as someone needing clothes.
I wasn't feeling the best today anyway. I felt sweaty, my nerves on edge. Maybe I should call out for the day and stay home. A kid next to him sniffed at the same time he smelled something breaking through his axe body layer spray.
Fuck. No. It couldn't be.
"Um sir," I raised my hand.
"Don't even think about asking, you'll be excused once Shadow gets back. Don't think I don't notice how you two ask for bathroom breaks at the same time."
Everyone snickered and i would have been amused myself if it were for the very obvious fact that I was starting to stink. Like omega. And all the werewolves in the class were sniffing at the air, not understanding what they were smelling. Yet.
"I'm going to be sick," I stood up, leaning and gagging.
"Gross, just go," the teacher said in disgust and he didn't have to tell me twice before I was shooting off.
I made it to the bathroom, splashing myself with water. Shadow would be pissed if I ran home without him.
But he was busy and knowing him he'd leave that poor kid naked down the road and pick me over him.
I called Ash.
"Tell me you're in town already. I'm starting to stink up the place if you know what I mean."
"GPS says ten more hours buddy. If you have to, go home and stay there."
I hung up with Ash and dialed Shadow knowing he'd flip shit if I didn't as I rushed out of the building.
"Pick up Shadow-"
"Kai," i jumped as Blue of all people popped up. And he had a smirk on his face and he chuckled.
"I see now. Why he picked you," he bowled out a laugh and i dropped my phone in anger, instead grabbing his shirt in my fist and shoving him against the wall.
"If you tell anyone-"
"What? That you're a bottom bitch? That you parade around like the next alpha but in fact you're just an ome-"
I punched him with two quick jabs to shut him up as my body shook and started to sweat, i could feel sweat falling into my eyes. It was as if I had a fever and just got out from a heavy workout or sauna.
I didn't have time to Blue's shit. Not now. But fuck, i couldn't let him go. Not while he knew my secret. He could tell the alpha. He was that petty he would get me killed.
Blue laughed. "You think Shadow loves you? How convenient that he only started feeling that towards you once he became alpha and you omega. How pathetic are you really?" He spoke and my gut twisted. Something was wrong with me. It almost felt like that very first day I realized what I was.
"Blue, whatever you feel, you need to know; If you tell the alpha or anyone, it's not going to be me you have to deal with. It's going to be Shadow. And he's killed to keep my secret before," I made sure he knew how serious I was. Even though Blue was a sick and I hated how he ever had his hands on Shadow, I didn't want him or anyone killed because of me. It would be on both Shadow and mines hands.
Blue looked pale at the mention of his death. "You'll always be his burden Huh?" He said with a shake of his head, the blood leaking from his nose already drying on his skin.
His words were like a slap in the face. Because that's exactly what I was. Shadow's burden.
"You know it's true. With me, it would have been easy, we fit together perfect when we kissed," my jaw clenched at that imagery, "he never would have to hurt anyone for me, never have to lay awake at night at the lives he had to took. You stand there all high and mighty, it's sickening what you're doing to Shadow. The moment you found out you were an omega you should have just killed yourself."
I hated it and wish otherwise but his words stung because it what what I had thought deep down too.
With a snarl I pushed away from him and took off, shifting and running away from him before I tore his arms off his body. Fuck him. Fuck him. And fuck this stupid fever mess. The wind felt good against my fur and it blew in my face as I raced faster and faster away. Trying to run from my anger and my problems.
It was all over. Now that Blue knew, I was fucked. The alpha would know by the end of the day, and Shadow would be dragged down alongside me. I should run and keep running and never look back. It would be better for everyone.
I started slowing my pace as that thought hit me.
Leave Shadow? I wasn't strong enough for that. I loved him; more than anything in life I just wanted to be with him. I would no sooner tear my still beating heart out my chest and fling it away from me than I would leave Shadow.
I let out a strangled howl as I came to a stop at a clearing. Fuck; I had gone too far.
And even worse, I could hear panting breaths close by. Other werewolves.
I tilted my head, Shadow?
Four huge variety colored wolves burst through the clearing, as if having the same train of thought, they circled around me. My ears flattened on my head as they seemed to grin even in wolf form.
Not Shadow. Not anyone I knew.
The others.
Were these the very wolves Shadow has been trying to hunt down in the woods? I was the biggest idiot of all. As my back bowed and I whimpered out, falling to my belly, panting, I realized I had picked the worst day for a panicked run through the woods.
I was in heat. And it was bad. My omega smell was probably now a beckon for every wolf in this damn area. And my wolf was feeling very weak and very submissive as they all closed in.
Get up! Run! I screamed inside my head as they shifted into very large muscular naked hairy men. With smirks that promised my demise and eyes as wild as someone locked in the insane asylum.
"This is the one. I smelled his scent strong over where Amon, Scar and Kron were killed," the smaller of the group, which wasn't saying much, told his friends.
A guy with one pale milky blind eye cocked his head. "This omega runt killed them?" He toed at my side as if I were a dirty mutt they happened upon. "I think not. He's protected."
One guy was bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Fuck, I can't believe we found an omega. Let's bring him back to the den already," he whined.
"Not yet, I want to play," pouted one and they went back and forth as I tried to focus on hyping my wolf up to be stronger than this.
A slap at my rear had me yelping and shivering. I felt so small so helpless. These guys could do anything to me. Could drag me away now and Shadow would never know.
Fuck I had been so stupid. I understood Shadow's fears now as the blind eye guy leaned forward and gripped my nozzle in a death grip, feeling as if my teeth were forced to grind together and cutting my tongue, causing copper tasting blood to fill my mouth. "Shift bitch, I want a good look at you."
Alpha! My head sung out. Two of them were alphas. I whined as I shifted before I could even think about it.
"He's so cute," Jittery guy clapped. "I want to use his face first. See if those pretty lips look as good wrapped around my cock."
"Please," I gasped out, curling into myself as the heat overtook me.
"Aww how cute, he wants it now."
"Just leave me alone, please," I couldn't help but cry out as blind guy yanked me up towards him, our chests were flushed against each other as he had a tight grip on my hair, some even yanking from the root. His dry rough lips were on mine and I moaned in distress. I could feel his hard on pressing disgustingly against my body and he hummed.
He pulled back and smacked me as I kept my lips firmly together. "You'll submit to me bitch," he put full alpha force into his words.
Oh no. This was bad. Really bad. My wolf wanted to obey but I didn't. I felt as if I were fading to the back seat, as my wolf tried to push to the front seat driver. Like being shitfaced drunk.
"Shadow," I cried out helplessly.
They all started laughing.
"Told you he was protected," the blind guy laughed standing up. I fell back down into the grass. Sobbing into the dirt. I felt sick and like trash and they were all standing around with bad intentions. Horror rolled through my stomach, my survival instinct telling me to run but my wolf begging me to just give in.
"Your Shadow won't get here in time boy, and if he comes, we'll see how he can stand up to a couple alphas. He'll be outnumbered and we'll make him watch as we take his toy away from him. It's selfish of him to keep you for himself."
"Actually, we should play with this one until he shows up. We owe him death for what he did to the others."
No. No. Shadow dying? He had proved to be strong, but enough that he could take on adult wolves? We gained more and more strength the older we got. The more we fought and this group was obviously the unsavory types. They had experience in fighting and causing pain.
"Ahh, the things we could get you to do. And willingly. I've had omega before, a few, and they are all the same pathetic whimpering wolves at my feet, begging me to stop but doing everything I ask them to. It's a contradiction to what they say."
"Maybe that turns them on. To say no, but mean yes, look at his leaking dick. He wants this," Jittery guy said, toeing at my body again.
"No," I covered myself with my hands. It wasn't fair. I was in heat. I felt liquid pooling at my backside. My damn body was betraying me. With a laugh the one eyed guy kicked out a foot that had me landing on my back. The sun felt as if it were beaming laser into my eyes, I felt as if any minute I was going to vomit everywhere just from hearing what these sick fucks wanted from me. What they've done to others like me.
No, I couldn't allow this to happen to me. I had to fight.
It took everything in me as they laughed at kicked at me. But I rolled onto the balls of my feet and shot up, running a few feet before I was tackled. With a snarl I rolled over and kicked him off. Jumping up to fight. I couldn't shift. It would be stupid to do so when my wolf wanted me to bow down. I couldn't allow that and had to hold on to my human side for now.
"Wow the pup has guts. And claws," he laughed jumping back as I tried swiping his with my claws out. "Don't worry, I love playing with my food. This is fun," Jittery guy laughed as he swung out a foot to kick me in the ribs. I blocked him as the others surrounding me.
C'mon Kai, you got this!
I couldn't allow them to hurt me anymore. I couldn't allow them to have their way. It would break Shadow. He already had a wild haunted look in his eyes ever since the last incident. I couldn't make his worst fears come true.
For Shadow, I had to be strong. With a battle cry I lunged forward, fighting with all I had.

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