60. Shadow

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Blinking awake, feeling very murderous and landing eyes on Kai's father's smug ass face; I wanted to straggle the dude.
"Here he is, the omega," Kai's dad pointed at me. I blinked, looking over at the alpha as he sat in his huge ass chair leering at me. When our eyes made contact he licked his lips. I forced myself to look at the floor instead of burning holes through through his eyes.
"You sure? When I got the text that there was an omega in our mists from that runt Blue, I didn't expect it to be this one. Feels anything but omega," the alpha pondered. Blue. The snitch had sent out a text before I had gotten to him. His death, I knew, I would never regret. The only thing I regretted was ever allowing him to lay a filthy finger on me.

"I've been watching this one and my son for a while now alpha, I'm sure of it, he's omega. He came in stinking up the house weeks ago. My son has been trying to keep him hidden, which is why he doesn't show up to pack meetings. He tails behind Kai, the young alpha that Kai is, he tried keeping this one all to himself," Kai's father looked proud of himself.
The alpha, the idiot, nodded as he stood up and over me.
It was better for the alpha to think I was the omega, rather than Kai. If I had to pretend to be an omega to throw him off, I would. I would do anything to keep Kai safe. Anything. There were no boundaries, no limits I would go, to keep him safe and sound.
So I channeled my best impression of an omega as the alpha stood up and over me. I winced and hunched my shoulders after meeting his gaze. He forced my chin up with his steel toed boot.
This time, I did look into his eyes, and teared up as best as I could, like Kai did whenever he stared too deep into mine sometimes.
"Mm," the alpha inspected me and then leaned down and sniffed at my neck. He pulled back in surprise. "Omega," he hissed.
Ash's words came back to me during a phone call. New information he had found out, something that no one realized before because it was rare to have been done. If Kai was the one to enter me, he'd leave his scent on my body. He said it would only be faint. But the alpha seemed focused on just that smell, probably smelling alpha too and assuming it was Kai. I could have breathed a sigh of relief if he wasn't watching me so intently now.
"Fuck yes, another omega," he groaned in pleasure and it made me sick. "I love breaking them in." He backed up to his chair and dismissed Kai's father. My stomach sank to my feet I dread.
"You did good and will be rewarded," the alpha told Kai's father. His father shot me a look. It almost looked like concern.
"Maybe I should stay and overse-"
"That will be all," the alpha growled out.
Kai's father all but bowed to the bastard and all but ran out. I wondered how many of his loyal followers were hanging around this building. And if I could take them all, along with this rat bastard.
"I'm bringing you home with me. But first, I want your submission," he crackled.
"Please," I hoped I was convincing as I shook my head. "I just want to go home," I said with real desperation in my voice. That much I didn't have to fake at least, it was hard to focus on tricking the alpha when all I wanted was to make sure Kai was ok. Being that I had drugged him and left him vulnerable. If only he hadn't watched the damn news. When he saw Claire was missing, i knew he wouldn't want to be around me, would start to act reckless and run away. While there were too many predators around too many corners, I couldn't allow him to just run off, unsupervised.
If only I had taken him away before the shit hit the fan...
"Please, I don't want this," I hoped he heard the honestly in my voice and applauded myself on the slight crack of my voice. But it had nothing to do with this situation and everything to do with when all this was over if Kai would forgive me.
The alpha let out a bark of laughter. "You omegas. You're all the same. Now come, submit to me Shadow," he used his alpha tone on me, which was laughable but because I was pretending to be omega, I had no choice but to pretend to submit. "Crawl to me," the alpha unzipped his pants and widened his legs. And as I was forced to crawl across the wooden dirty floors, I couldn't help but be reminded of the night my parents were killed.

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