Twenty two

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The ride to the meeting was tense. If Shadow tightened his grip on his clutch even harder, it would surly break. He shifted gears with a lot of force at one point and his poor jeep whined.
"It's going to be ok," I said with confidence that I didn't feel as he swung the car a little too recklessly to the left to make a turn. The smell of sex and fear clung in the air like cigarette smoke.
"At the first sign of trouble, run like hell," Shadow flickered a look at my way as he said this.
"No problem," I weakly smiled at him as we pulled into the long wooded driveway that would lead to a cabin home where we all gathered for meetings or emergencies. All I could picture was every possible way this could go wrong, his anxiety was adding to mine. I would have to look the alpha in the eyes today. And not look away.
So simple. So easy.
And yet.... For an omega like me, it was unheard of.

Claire beat us there, as her white and golden fur shone in the light before she shook her body and emerged, tiny and naked in front of the house.
It was how most of us came to meetings but not unheard of for a few of us to drive.
Being around a bunch of power hungry betas and an alpha made me never want to go around any of them naked again. That and the fact that Shadow was now super possessive. Like shamed filled humans, it was best we just kept our clothing on.
"Ready guys?" Claire beamed at us, a new pep in her step. She was super cute, like a little pale Smurfette.
My dick hardened as I looked from Shadow to her, unable to believe what we had just done. And how good it all felt.
Would it feel better when it was just Shadow and me?
Nodding, we all linked arms, Claire in the middle, as we walked inside.
All noise that our ears picked up when we were outside instantly came to a halt as we walked through the threshold. The cabin was gutted out to become one big room with two bathrooms attached on either side. So we walked into a large open area, various naked and clothed people alike. My parents were off to the side, my mom giving me a small wave as my dad nodded, looking proud of me which made me feel sick so I looked away.
And in the far side was a large black wolf. The alpha. He shifted as we walked in. Standing taller than anyone in the room with line backer shoulders and naked as the day he was born. At least I wasn't struggling to not look at his junk like I do with Shadow. I didn't find that I was interested at all, which was a huge relief.
"Children, come," his voice sounded like someone who just woke up and hadn't cleared their throat yet. He always sounded like that. And I never realized it before, how annoyed it made me.
The two beside me looked confident, meanwhile I could feel my face draining of color as my heart beat so hard against my chest, as if it were a bird desperately trying to escape its cage.
"Shadow and Kai only," he held up a hand as Claire tightened her told onto me. "Your birthday passed already, Claire, your beta status is solid."
"Yes sir," her voice was strong as she spoke. Would mine shake?
Shadow let go of my arm and I had momentary panicked but then he slid his hand to my lower back and pushed me forward. Right, as an alpha, I would have to appear the most confident as I strolled ahead of him.
It's what Shadow wants me to do.
As if my body was a mere puppet being pulled by strings, I stalked forward as if I were the wolf in charge around here.
I could feel Shadow close behind me. His intoxicating scent filled my nose and hugged it. It made it that much easier to pretend. With him at my back, and with him watching, I knew my wolf wouldn't fail or disappoint him.
He had promised to punish me if I looked away. So why did that thought excite me instead of scare?
Oh boy, we were in trouble now.
Alpha Tony sniffed the air. And tensed.
I felt a flash of panic before once again Shadow placed a hand at my back. Quickly, before letting go.
"Alpha," Tony breathed out and there was a collection of gasps and murmurs.
"That's right Tony," I used his name hoping I sounded cocky and not shaky. I squared my shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes.
His flashed green as he narrowed them and stepped close to me. "Alpha Kai?" He asked as if it were a question. "Do you know what this means boy?"
This was the part where we glared each other down, so I did, narrowing my eyes at him.
And when he puffed up and glared down at me, I realized my mistake.
My eyes started to burn. It had taken longer than with Shadow, but it was really kicking up heat now.
"Do you know what this means, Kai?"
"I do," I said through clenched teeth, hoping it sounded like annoyance and not as if I were struggling for dear life to not look away.
Everything in me wanted to whimper and run behind Shadow but that thought pissed me off enough to root me to the floor... for now.
"Careful boy, you may be an alpha but you aren't this packs alpha. We aren't due for a new one until I die and that won't be anything soon," after he said it the whole room cried out, "that's right alpha!" It took even more will power to not roll my eyes. If Shadow ever gathered a group together and I was by his side, I wouldn't allow him to run his pack the same as this one. Felt too culty. My breath caught in my throat at the thought. Shadow and his own pack? With me beside him?
I remained silent, knowing a true born alpha wouldn't have it in him or her to back down or gravel.
He looked away to look at Shadow, who was probably having the opposite dilemma than me, which was keeping his eyes glued to the ground, only briefly looking at the alpha and then looking away as a sign of respect that a beta would have.
My eyes wanted to water now that I was locked into a heated gaze. My eye sockets felt super dry and I knew we were sure to fail. These things could go on with so much talking and I didn't have long before I started tearing up or bowed down.
"Beta," Tony sniffed at Shadow. "It's hard to tell. Which is which. When you three came in smelling like each other. Is it so hard for the younger generation to keep your hands off each other for one day?" Tony laughed out as if he made a joke and everyone else chuckled or laughed too loudly.
Tony stepped away from Shadow, and back infront of me. "You'll be able to finish the school year, but when you leave for college, if you're even planning on going to college, either way, you'll leave and never return."
Burning. Omfg my eyes burned!! What is he even saying? Just hurry up and finish!
It burns!!
"..rents visit you of course," I could barely tone him in as I focused all my energy on keeping eye contact. Something that should be so simple for an alpha.
Fuck did he turn up the intensity in his eyes?! Oh no.. it was happening, my eyes were gonna water, I have to look away.
"..Claire and Shadow can join your pack of course-"
Fuck we were screwed. My mouth opened and I knew a whine was about to come out. It was all over, my eyes flickered away. Fuck, now he would know.
"Fire!" The door banged open, causing everyone to wince, just in time as I had already started to make that noise.
Ash came running in, naked and covered in literal black and grey ash. His hair sticking up all over the place.
"The Hernandez home is burning down! And they are trapped inside, hurry alpha!" He cried out desperately as he slid to the ground, looking faint.
Everyone seemed to look around for the Hernandez members and gasped out as we realized they weren't here. The alpha tore out the cabin. The family lived not too far from this cabin but they lived deeper in the woods, the road to get here would be the only road the fire trucks could drive on and then the truck would have to maneuver through the woods somehow.
Basically they were fucked if we didn't help them.
Tears streamed down my face but it wasn't from sadness, although I wasn't close to the Hernandez, it wasn't confirmed they were hurt so my tears the after effect of being an omega and holding an alphas gaze for so long.
Everyone rushed out, grabbing Ash to pull him out to fresh air. "Someone drive him to a hospital!"
Someone pulled out their car keys. Claire shot us a look before rushing out herself.
And now it was just Shadow and I.
If it hadn't been for Shadows command that I not look away, I might not have held on so long. Same as his command to not cum unless he tells me was still holding strong.
"You did good," Shadow wiped my eyes with his fingers, gently holding my shoulder with his other hand. "I'm really proud of you," he leaned in close and my eyes slid closed automatically as he brushed his lips against mine before pressing in, flickering his tongue out to get me to open up to him. I did with a moan as we slid our tongues together. It felt so dirty how he kissed me. Not sweet at all. Just plan smutty and dirty.
I pulled back as I held my head in shame. "I failed. If it weren't for Ash coming in when he did, we would have had to run. I looked away and started to whine," I admitted, feeling embarrassed as he rubbed my head as if I were his pet dog and not his bestfriend turned lover.
Shadow peppered kissing along my forehead, cheeks and eyelids before I gently pushed him away.
"Enough," I said and he growled but allowed it.
"You did a lot better than any omega would have. I was fully prepared to run today." I gaped at Shadow's words before hitting him in the shoulder, a move that felt as if it hurt me more than him.
"You didn't believe in me at all," I threw up my hands in the air.
"It's hard to," Shadow grabbed me around the waist and pulled me close to him, his hard on poking my lower stomach. "when you can barley look me in the eyes," he gripped my chin and forced my gaze to his. My eyes instantly watered. "I just wanted to indulge you, to be honest," he smirked and I frowned. His face changed, "Don't pout, it's too sexy," he muttered as nipped at my bottom lip and chin.
"Shouldn't we go make sure the Hernandez are ok?"
"They are," Claire popped back up, "Ash told me to tell you to meet him at the hospital."
Shadow and I looked at her and then back at each other. "Ash!" We both gasped out in realization.
Shadow smirked. "Seemed he didn't believe in us either."
"You idiots!" Ash hissed out as he lay on the hospital bed. They said he suffered smoke inhalation like the rest of the Hernandez family that were in other rooms. "Why not make yourself beta at least you nimrod?!"
Ash scolds at Shadow when I don't respond quick enough,. "Making Kai the alpha was stupid, he could barely pass as a beta."
"My dad already smelled me," I stepped forward, clenching my fists. "This was the only option."
"So what?! You could have said he was mistaken, that it was Shadows scent. Your dads word doesn't carry weight here. And he would get over it."
"No he wouldn't," Shadow and I deadpanned. Shadow growled and muttered, "should kill that guy."
Ash smacked the bed in anger. "Not only is Shadow going to have to pretend to not have Kahuna balls, with an alpha wolf lurking inside of him, but you Kai, an omega," he whispered that part, "will have to pass, not as a beta, who can look away, but as a freaking alpha!"
My neck and cheeks burned as I realized he was right, I had aimed too high.
"We appreciate your help, Ash and are forever grateful. But as a future alpha, Kai won't be required to attend meetings anymore, which works out perfectly for us. The whole pack heard their alpha announce him as such and he even gave somewhat of the rundown of how it's going to go for Kai. Thanks to your stunt of interrupting, we are in the clear."
Ashe crossed his arms, "you owe the Hernandez by the way, I would take them out to dinner sometime for even agreeing to-"
"Did you tell them?" I grabbed Shadows arm as he nearly leaped at Ash. He was vibrating with rage. His emotions could switch so easily.
"Of course not; they don't know anything, they owed me a favor. For hiding their omega daughter years ago. I only told them I needed to cash out on that favor and not why."
"Wait... do you mean the one that killed herself?" I asked in surprise. It was right after Shadow got to town that the suicide of omega had been announced.
"Supposedly killed herself," Ash winked. "She was damn close to when I found her, it was hard to cover that one up, the alpha..." Ash looked away shaking his head. "Let's just say I don't agree with how he treats omegas." Ash travelled a lot for his research papers, but I wondered if he was just escaping, only coming back to check in, but being too disgusted to be apart of this pack for long periods of times.
"Anyway, get out of here before the alpha comes in to question me," he grumbled.
Silent, we walked out, hand in hand. It was nice being alone with Shadow. Had I really fought so hard against this? I couldn't imagine giving him shit for holding onto me now. Couldn't imagine having to let go of him. "We should celebrate," he announced in the car. "Just you and me tonight. Don't even think of inviting Claire-"
"Hey!" I held up my hands. "She's just a ploy. She doesn't have to be around unless necessary. I want to be alone with you too."
My words shocked him as he looked over dumbfounded. But that expression was lost as he gave me a cocky grin and reached to feel the front of my jeans.
"Of course you do," he winked and I wanted to punch him but instead shook my head and looked out the window.
"Let's shower first, please, I feel so sweaty and sticky."
Would everything really be ok now? Could we avoid detection from fellow pack members at school with Claire's help?
I felt at peace for the moment, but a deep fear of returning home and facing my dad remained. I wasn't so sure if he was progressive enough to be ok with Shadow and I banging it out, even if we were pushing it off as a a throuple. If Shadow tried to hold my hand or kiss me in front if my father would I reject him or flinch away? I hoped not because that would cause a growl and then we would be busted. Betas didn't growl at alphas. And I didn't have the heart to ask Shadow to downplay our relationship.
Wait, relationship? Was that what I wanted from him?
A relationship. A real one not the front we would put on for people. But a real one when the school year was over.
You're delusional Kai. My fears were that Shadow's wolf was just hyped up over me being an omega. And when that excitement died down would I be the only one left pinning? What if he came across another omega? What if he started a pack and got married and kept me as his side bitch locked away? He had the power to do anything to me and the deeper I was falling for him, the more he would have me on lock until a point would come that he could do any and all things to me. Neglect and abuse.
Sure he was the Shadow I knew now. But as a fully grown alpha at 25 and with me gaining a stronger omega scent and becoming more whiny and needy of an owner at that age, would our dynamic change?
Life was unfair for an omega. It was as if you had from eighteen to twenty five to find an owner who wouldn't take advantage of you, one for you to trust to give your all to, because after that it would be too late... it was shitty. And it had me thinking. Where was that omega Ash saved now?
Was she wishing she had killed herself after all?

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