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After two more rounds, I felt starved and ready to pass out. We had made our way into the back seat for the last round. Shadow was right. We would need a shower.
"We are horrible house hosts," I groaned, climbing into the front seat. "I hope for his sake he's asleep or he's going to see a sight," I laughed to myself as Shadow climbed to his seat. Both of us naked as the day we were born and covered in cum. Oops.
"You're not going around anyone naked. I'll go inside and grab some clothes first," Shadow said as he starred up the car and took off.
I gaped at him. "That's not fair. What about you?"
His hands gripped the steering wheel a little too tight. "I can't allow him to see you like this, I might fuck up again and freak out. We already had a close call today, I'm not going to risk anyone finding out you're an omega. Not again," he muttered the last part to himself and I looked out the window with wide eyes. Oops, that was too late.
"What if he does find out?" I questioned, testing the waters.
"Don't worry," Shadow reached a hand over and squeezed my thigh. "If anyone learns the truth I'll make sure they are never found again."
Exactly as I had thought, glad I didn't tell him about Henry. Shadow wouldn't understand or see it my way. He would just see trusting Henry with my secret as a gamble and he hated to gamble.
"You killing someone worries me more than someone finding out my secret."
He squeezed my thigh harder. "I'm going to need you to think differently Kai, your secret getting out should be your only worry. Anything other than that, we can work with."
I frowned at him. "One day I am going to come out as omega you know. I can't hide forever."
He looked over at me horrified. "In a perfect world, I'd say go for it. But this one is cruel and filled with evil men itching to get their hands on omegas. You'll make my job a lot harder."
"Your job?" I asked confused.
"My job of protecting you," he swung the jeep into the driveway.
I sighed, not wanting to touch that tonight. "I'm a big boy," I patted his legs. "Hurry and get our clothes. I'm tired."
"And hungry," I added as he started to open the door. He shot me a look and paused.
"That reminds me. Tomorrow, I want you to cook for me." And with that he was out of the jeep leaving me gaping after him.
I rolled the window down some and whisper shouted, "I can't fucking cook! And I'm not your housewife!" He shot me the bird before disappearing into the house.

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