Twenty Four

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After my confession, I was sure Kai was going to run away again, his face made my heart twist in my chest but he surprised me by pressing his lips to mine and kissing me hungrily. There were no words after that and we found ourselves in bed, naked. Kai was melting under me and I couldn't believe this was the same Kai who fought against what he felt for me, who didn't want to go all the way with me. My heart soared and I felt as if I finally had him. As if he was finally mine as I pressed inside of him.
He made a groaning noise, gripping my arms tightly. "It feels weird," he whined as he wiggled his hips. "Just wait," he groaned when I slipped in a little more. Forcing my hips to be still so he could adjust, I leaned down and captured his lips with mine. As our tongues slid and twirled across each other, Kai made a sound at the back of his throat and started bucking his hips on his own. He felt hot and wet on the inside, completely different than how Claire's ass felt. Because he was omega he became slick inside like any woman's vagina when turned on. I bottomed out deep inside of him and he bowed off the bed, gripping onto my back so hard I knew he would leave marks. To distract him I bit down hard on his shoulder as I started to buck my hips, picking up speed and getting a good rhythm going.
"You feel so good wrapped around my dick, Kai," I panted as I tried my hardest not to jackhammer into him like I wanted to. It was his first time and I wanted to make sure he felt so good he'd agree to do it again. Knowing him, he would regret this later and get some kind of complex for being a bottom. But if I could bring him ecstasy he'll be addicted to doing this. I already felt like an addict and we hadn't even finished yet. Spitting into my hand, I then wrapped it around his dick and started pumping as I slowly fucked him, making circling motions with my hips. As I whispered dirty sex talk to him, he blushed and tried covering his face, "stop talking like that," he protested.
I pulled out and flipped him over, lifting up his hips as I plunged back in, causing him to cry out. "But you suck me in deeper and clench around me when I do," I said before sucking on his neck. When I was satisfied by the mark i made, I sat up straight and did what I've been holding back and picking up the pace.
"Shadow! Shadow wait!" He cried out as his clenched hard around me. "No stop! It feels-" I pulled him up close to my chest and whispered into his ear, "cum for me Kai," because I knew he was ready to as i jerked him off to help him finish all the way. He gasped and convulsed, his body practically going limp like a wet noodle as I pressed him back down into the mattress. "My turn," I grinned ruffling his soft curly hair like the good boy he was. The smell of sex and Kai in the air was intoxicating and the feel of him wrapped around my dick was even better than I could ever imagine. We were so close, our bodies joined and yet I felt as if I wanted to be even closer.
I didn't want to finish early, I wanted to keep going. All night.
Kai groaned, "finish already," I would be concerned he wasn't enjoying himself if it weren't for his body moving with mine and the moans he was making. The wetness dripping out of him, around my dick and onto the bedsheets was proof enough how much he was turned on.
Running my hand up his back and neck, I gripped his hair in my fingers as I pulled his head back slightly, leaning down across his back. "Tell me you're mine and I'll finish," I said before sloppily kissing his neck and ear. He felt so warm against me, our bodies had a sheen of sweat between us.
"Fuck," he moaned again and he grounded his hips against the mattress. Reaching between us, I could feel his dick was hard again. "I'm yours Shadow, fuck "
And when I finished, making sure to pull out before shooting a load all over his back, I knew I would be insatiable. I've been living like a monk for years while every male my age has been humping at legs, and now I couldn't get enough of Kai. I wanted to go for round two immediately, my dick springing to life.
But Kai had other plans, as with my cum cooling on his back, he started snoring, out cold.
With a smile, feeling light on my feet, I went to work on cleaning him up. As I watched him sleep, pulling the blanket to cover our naked bodies as I cuddled close to him, a deep fear hit me.
He's going to leave.
He's going to do this with someone else.
He's doesn't love me, like I love him.
He's going to leave me.
I was supposed to be the dominate alpha, but I felt like a clingy girlfriend as I hung onto him and this feeling of bliss as my mind mocked me that this wouldn't last long.

The next day at school, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He grinned at me and shook his head as he looked away. "Stop staring, everyone will know."
I growled and it made him stop dead as he tensed and slowly looked back at me.
"Sorry," I sighed sheepishly, as I grabbed a few choice foods from the cafe line. He did the same and followed me to an empty table. As we sat down, I noticed a pack member of ours, sitting nearby, with his head down and no food in front of him. Just a water bottle. Hungover?
"Hey man, you ok?" I asked Theo. His blonde skater boy hair fell into his eyes as he slowly looked up at me. He was tall and lanky and was the school stoner.
And his face had a large, fresh cut on it.
"Fuck man," Kai breathed. And i felt the same way but for some reason felt my chest tighten as Kai talked to Theo. "Why isn't it healing?"
"It is," Theo groaned, putting his head down for a minute before looking back up. Sure enough, it was slowly fading pink.
"How bad was it, that it's taken this long to heal?" The cut must have been pretty deep. Wolves our age heal fast, but it wasn't instant.
"Pretty bad, it's whatever; it happens," Theo's eyes looked glossed over and empty. And i knew that look in his eyes. This happens too often to even count.
"Who?" Kai asked gently. When Theo said nothing, I offered my words, "hey, we're pack members right? So what happens to one of us, happens to all. And we cant allow it to continue. Tell us, we can go to the alpha tog-"
Theo burst out laughing, but it was a dead inside bitter laugh. "He's the one who told me to shut my mouth and do as my parents tell me. In it together my ass," he shot up and stormed away; leaving behind his water bottle.
Kai looked down at the table, eyebrows pulled together as if he were in deep thought. "I used to think we were lucky. Because we belonged to a larger family than our own household. A group who had our back, who wouldn't stand by while we were hurt," he paused as I reached over to brush my fingertips across the back of his hand. "I used to think if I had spoken up in pack meetings about my father, they'd be horrified and put a stop to it. But maybe they'd tell me the same lame line parents tell us."
"What happens at home, stays at home?" I guessed and he nodded.
"Maybe the pack would care. It's that alpha of ours who is shitty. After hearing how he treated the last omega in this group, I hate that man," Kai flinched as I said omega.
"You're right, a few bad seed parents doesn't mean the others don't care. A lot of parents always seem so loving at pack meetings. So warm and friendly. My dad could never hide that he was an asshole," Kai grumbled.
"Well that's over. Some of these parents just need to be reminded that we are strong wolves, maybe even stronger, now that they are aging."
"Yeah right," Kai snorted. "Werewolves get stronger and faster the more they age. By the time a wolf dies of old age he's probably as fierce as ever."
It's true we didn't become small and wrinkly. We looked fit and were strong until the day we died.
"We should do something, about that Theo kid, I feel bad," Kai continued. I agreed even as my mind tried to push off that Kai felt sorry for him because he was attracted to him. Because he was going to leave me for him. They shared the same story. Abusive parent. They would connect over it. Possibly fall in love.

It made me decide that I would help Theo resolve his issue before Kai could get a chance to even speak to him. I didn't care to test Kai's loyalty, I just wanted to keep him close and away from everyone. No chance to leave me for someone better if his whole life was consumed by me, if he only spoke to me. If I could just keep him at my house, fucking him all day until he was too exhausted to move, never having any more energy to do anything but laze around my house, then I'd feel a lot better.
Mine. He's mine. No one else's. Even thinking of how we would have to fuck Claire one of these days to mix our scents, made my blood boil. No, we wouldn't have to do that anymore if I did keep Kai locked up in my house. What need would there be then, to trick everyone? No one would be around him to smell him much less lay eyes on what's mine.

As Kai smiled at me and took my hand in his, giving it a small kiss, even flicking his tongue out to lick my palm as he gave me a suggestive look, not even looking around to see who might be watching, my negative obsessive thoughts started to slip away.  And inner peace took over.
It worried me how quickly my thoughts turned dark, I knew I had to research more into this whole alpha/omega relationship. How did others manage? How did they end up?
It seemed I would need to deal with Theo quickly so I could find that missing omega, the girl who Ash helped run away. Was she in a normal relationship right now? Where did it go wrong for her here? I needed to know. Because I desperately wanted to keep Kai and didn't want to hurt him in the process. Or push him away with my alpha instincts taking over. As much as Kai feared how much he was changing, how he would turn out, being an omega, I feared the same with my alpha role.
Because all the alphas I've ever known were huge assholes. Abusive, toxic, power hungry assholes.
And I'd rather just off myself than become like that.

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