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Ignore Shadow. Avoid Shadow. Run from Shadow.
I was plagued with these thoughts as I managed to finish yet another day of avoiding running into Shadow. His little stunt with Blue pissed me off. And then how he reacted in front of a fellow werewolf. If I hadn't moved from Claire's sight, my secret would have been out as fast as Shadow's fangs and claws.
Rounding a white tiled corner, I headed for the nearest exit as the last bell of the school day rang in my ears. So far, the hallway was empty but it wouldn't remain that way for long.
I was so focused on getting out and away from Shadow's hurt gaze that I had spotted earlier today, that I didn't notice when his hand shot out and dragged me into the janitors closet.
"The fuck man?" I hissed as he pressed me into the wall, looking into my eyes like a starved animal. He forced his leg between mine as he crowded into my space. He pulled aside my shirt collar.
"You smell," was all he said before he was clamping his fangs down into my neck. My hips jerked forward, causing my dick to rub against his thigh as I pressed closer to him with a moan. My whole body screamed, finally!
But then as fast as he was on me, he yanked away, leaving me feeling cold, as without another look or word, he was out the door. Feeling my cheeks heating, I slid to the floor.
I felt used.
But I knew the truth.
I was using Shadow. Because without him, I'd stink of omega. He was doing this for my benefit. Even angry at me, he was making sure I wouldn't be caught, doing what needed to be done, because I would have kept avoiding him and gotten myself busted. Shadow always looked out for me. And he was proving he always would.
"Are you coming to the party at Sloane's house tonight?" Kyle fell in line with me as we made our way out of the building in a sea of students. I was about to tell him no when I spotted Blue climbing into Shadow's Jeep.
"I'll be there," I said as I watched the familiar jeep drive off. My heart twisted painfully in my chest.
A party was just what I needed to get my mind off of what Blue and Shadow were up to. Getting drunk and forgetting all about how Shadows hard body felt against mine, how soft his lips were.
Damn it!
I wasn't even safe inside of my own head. And the pack meeting was fast approaching. I needed to get Shadow out of my head. Same as he was doing with Blue.
Sloane was in my history class and that's all I knew about her. Other than she had endless legs and was the only one who bothered to answer any question the teacher would throw at us.
"Welcome to mi casa," she purred as she took the case of beer I bought from my hand. "Claire's over there," she pointed before turning away. I didn't even bother to correct her as I looked over at Claire.
Any other time I would have walked the opposite way, but this time I walked towards her. Ever since Blue left school today with Shadow, I kept seeing the image of them together. Shadow rubbing Blue's head as they waited for a game to load. Shadow kissing Blue as intensely as he had kissed me. Shadow asking Blue if he wanted him.
With my shoulders set back, I stalked towards Claire with purpose.

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