66. Shadow

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"Where is the rest of the family?" I asked not liking the silence in the huge house.
"You've came at a perfect time, the alpha ordered everyone to stay in their rooms for a few hours, said he had a new toy he wanted to play with, didn't want to be interrupted. They trickle down soon with the lights and whatnot being off though."
So no time to waste.
With the house shut down, I shifted and let out a long howl. There's was an eerie silence before I heard the sound of paws hitting the ground and a few responding battle cries of wolves. That was my que. I nodded my wolf head at the shewolf at my side and we tore through the front door. The alpha was shifted, a huge wolf compared to the rest, standing out against all others as he tore at wolves that came too close. As I came outside, wolves broke away and ran around him, to avoid his teeth and claws, they flooded by me, planning on annihilating any wolf of his family who fought back. I could here howls and snarls already coming from inside.
Soon the alpha and his family would be overrun. With a snarl I ducked my head and ran right for him, before I could attack he was swinging his large head my way, his eyes glaring as he finally recognized me for what I was. Maybe his human side could fall for my act but our wolves knew now looking at each other.
Alpha. His eyes flashes with rage as he knocked off a smaller wolf and flung his body into mine, hitting me like a bullet train.
I nearly blacked out but refused to fail when we were so close to ending his whole family line and his reign of terror. His jaws snapped at me but I swiped him with a paw, basically bitch slapping him. Before he could blink I was clamping down into his side.
But I was forced back with a bowl of pain as he yanked away, causing me to tear away with blood, fur and skin before he was tearing into my side but with more force and what felt like razor sharp teeth. My legs buckled as he was able to use my stunned moment to rip into my neck, blood sprayed all in our furs. A burst of light danced in my eyes.
No! I had to do this. For Kai. As long as the alpha died, Kai could live in this town without fear. He had followers he didn't even know about, those willing to lay their lives down for him.
A wolf knocked into the alpha, but it didn't even faze him as he ripped into that wolfs throat like it was nothing and swung his attention back to me. Gotta get up! I was losing blood too fast, faster than I could heal. As he loomed over me, I prepared myself for a burst of energy.
And was shocked when a fucking sword slammed through his head.
"You sick fuck," growled Kai, letting go of the handle and allowing the sword to remain stuck inside the now dead wolf as he collapsed to the ground. Kai's eyes swung up to mine in a glare. I could have gulped if I wasn't a wolf who was bleeding out. "You," he said in an accusing tone as he jumped over the alphas body and slapped my face. With a yelp I shifted back, covering my side where I was bleeding. I could feel the skin already knitting back together and knew I was going to be ok.
That was if Kai didn't kill me.
Kai opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted as wolves poured out of the mansion, blood tinted in their fur and around their nozzles, some were still outside, and all at once they shifted.
"Leader," Kai's father was the first to say, kneeling down. "Leader," the rest spoke kneeling all around where they stood. Kai looked at me, shock and then realization in his eyes as he too started to fall to his knees.But I yanked him up and close.
"Kai," they say in union.
Kai looked around with wide eyes. Blinking, he looked back at me.
"What, you think they followed me? Ha. It was you they were willing to lay their lives down for," i leaned in close to whisper in his ear. "I told them the alpha was going to kill you unless we got to him first. Technically not a lie."
"You're a manipulative fucker you know that?" Kai said but with an amused tone as he stepped away from me. "Please, everyone up. We need to help these wolves and check for dead," he indicating to the basically pile of dead and injured wolves the alpha had left his in rampage. Everyone moved into action then.
"How'd you find me?" I asked Kai, looking over him as he pushed away from me to go to his dad.
"Your sister smelled you out. She refused to come further, dropped me off at the property line. Dad, is anyone injured or dead inside?"
Kai's father nodded. "Plenty dead. A few surrendered and are tied up being watched."
The rest of the day was a blur of patching up wolves and sending them home.
"I don't want this," Kai said at the end of the day as the sun started to set. "I'm an omega. When they find out..."
"I already told them," my words caused Kai to jerk his head to fast and he winced as he rubbed his neck.
"I told them. And they still came out for you. Still forced their parents to fight alongside them. Even your dad knew. Your mother made me promise to send you her way when all this was over."
Kai looked away. "Why didn't she come."
I covered his hand with mine. "You know she's not a fighter. And that's ok. She loves you all the same. I'm sure she's going crazy." He tensed and looked back at me. Uh oh, what did I say?
"You drugged me," he accused. "If it wasn't for my mom calling Sunshine, anything could have happened to me."
"It was safer than hitting you over the head. I didn't plan to drug you."
"But yet you had a syringe in your drawer? For what?"
"For others who learned you secret." Uh oh, that reminded me...
"Don' be too hard on Shadow," his father approached. "We all had a plan. He called me to tell me what he did, to get you out of there. I had your mom call his sister to pick you up and bring you away."
Kai glared at us both as he stood up. "I was left out."
"In your condition," his father winced as he scratched his neck. "It was for the best. And i am sorry, Kai, for everything," he coughed as if he were allergic to apologies. "Ima get back to your mom, come by later." He made a quick exit as Kai pointed at me.
"Don't think I'm not still mad."
"Didn't even cross my mind," I grumbled. I should have known there would be no thanks coming from Kai. I wondered if he hadn't been interrupted earlier if he would have beat me up, or tried. It turned me on actually.
Kai growled. "You killed people."
"Blue deserved to die for what he said to you. I heard over the phone. It enraged me. Plus I didn't have time to deal with him he was going to tell the alpha right away. Got a text out before I could even kill his ass. And those pervs wolves, they died too quickly."
Kai was visibly shaking. "And Claire? Henry? I got poor Henry killed all because I trusted you-"
"They aren't dead," I grabbed him and yanked him close to me, hating to see his distress. "I out them in a storage container, out by the docks on the other side of town. They're ok."
Kai nodded, his eyes flicking up to meet mine for a second before he sighed and leaned his head against my chest. "I still want to beat your ass. You could have included me. If you ever leave me out again I'm taking your balls, ripping them right off your body and -"
I winced, my balls ached just thinking about it. "Ok, okay. No more keeping secrets. You're the pack leader now. And I'm your protector. You can be the brains, I'll be the muscle."
As his arms wrapped around me and scent filled my nose, I could die happy. It all worked out. It was all ok. And he didn't even beat me up like I thought he would.
"Just so you know, this isn't because I'm angry. And I know no more secrets, but just trust me when I say, it's to help you," he smirked at me as I pulled back.
"What?" I felt a prick against my neck and cursed when Kai helped up a syringe similar to the ones I had stored in my drawer. Son of a bitch.
"That wasn't necessary," I could hear my sisters voice but as I fell to my knees, my vision was failing me.
"But now we're even," there was a smile in Kai's tone. I should have known he wouldn't have let this go so easily.

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