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"I don't want to do this anymore," my heart drops at Kai's words. We are seated in my jeep, the smell of leather, gas and sweat filling the air.
"Kai..." It felt as if my heart was being wrenched out with pliers at the weight of his words hit me.
"What happened earlier, I'm so sorry, don't do-"
"It's not about earlier Shadow, although we still need to have a talk about trust and being honest," he shot me a look that made me wonder if he knew about my meeting with Marcie. He was, after all up and about when I thought he had been knocked out. "I don't want to share you anymore," he continued, "Not with Claire. Not with anyone." He picked at an invisible spot on his black oversized shirt. And then dusted off invisible dust from his faded grey jeans. Finally, he slowly looked up at me, wet curls falling into his face as his eyes met mine for a brief moment.
I blinked. "I don't like it either Kai," I reached out and stroked the back of my hand against his cheek before curling my grip on the back of his neck, and pulling him towards me. He instantly wet his lips and it had me groaning on the inside. "And trust me, I'm trying to come up with a solution. You're still a young omega, your smell still isn't as bad as a fully grown omega. We could skip tonight and it just be me and you."
"But you have to go to that pack meeting coming up, smelling like a beta," Kai fretted. "They'll smell alpha on you and know I'm hiding my scent. And they'll know."
My gaze hardened. "You don't want to do this. So we aren't." I pulled away from him to put the jeep in reverse. "Send Claire a text. Tell her-"
A knock on the window interrupted us. Claire. I put the car back in park.
"You coming out anytime soon?" she shouted through the window. Rolling it down, I was about to tell her no, when Kai spoke up.
"Let's go," he opened his side and stepped out. I shot him a look, but of course he looked away, slamming his door closed and walking towards the party. With a growl, I stepped out the car and stalked after him.

Already my mind was running through ways to get us out of this mess. We could dance with Claire, rub close against her and that could be enough, if we didn't shower. Her bite wouldn't be like an alphas bite so that was useless.
Betas were so useless with their dull smells.
And now I was in a bad mood.
Kai didn't want Claire anymore. And I felt as if I were forcing it myself. I should be overjoyed that he wanted me to himself. But the reality of the situation was we didn't have a choice.
Not when he insisted on sticking around this lame ass town to go to this lame ass school.
As soon as we got home, I would call my sister, ask her to give me a list of surrounding schools, one that didn't have other wolves. If one was close nearby, maybe Kai would consider it.

As the three of us walked inside, Claire chose to cling to Kai, she smiled up wide at him and he plastered on his fakest smile for her. It killed me. And filled me with rage, my fists balled up at my side as she tugged him onto the dance floor to dance.
She was only doing what we wanted her to do so I couldn't hate her or be angry at her personally.
I just hated the situation. I came up behind Kai, instead of Claire like I normally would have done in public. So far we've put on a show that Claire was our lover and not that Kai and I were the ones in love.
Maybe all of our scents needed to mix, but this, at least I could do. Circling my arms around his waist, I swayed up to the music as Claire grinds her ass against the front of him. I let my head dip between his neck and shoulder blade.
He stiffened. "Everyone's wa-" but I shut up him with a kiss, letting him and everyone around know he was mine. Everyone could believe him and Claire loved each other. But I would make sure everyone knew Kai was the one I wanted. He tilts his head back, opening his mouth as I pushed my tongue against his lips. It felt amazing as our tongues slid against each other as my ears picked up peoples shock that we were in fact in that kind of threesome and not the one they were expecting or picturing.

"Great, now everyone knows I'm a bottom," Kai snickered to me much later as we closed one of the bedroom doors. "Not very alpha trait." His reaction was so different than if I had done that weeks ago. He'd be a mess freaking out that word would get back to his father. But he seemed unbothered and even amused about it now.

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