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Yoongi sighed out as he tapped his favorite pen on his notepad in a frustrated manner. He had been doing fine, pen flowing to keep up with the rhythm in his head, until he suddenly blanked.

And now he was sitting here stuck and frustrated beyond an unimaginable amount. On top of his writers block, his daughter's school had just called saying they needed to have a meeting with him about her as she had bit another student.

Yoongi hadn't been able to pick her up so his mother had and Minji threw a fit that he had to hear about from his mother on top of that he had to hear how horrible of a parent he was and everything that was wrong with his child.

And now his only outlet wasn't working for him. He was overworked, tired, and beyond stressed. Yoongi swore if he had to deal with anything else bad, he'd lose it.

Just as Yoongi was trying to calm down, there was a knock to his door. Yoongi cursed under his breath. "Jungkook, I'm sorry but I just need to be alone-"

"Uh, not Jungkook, sir." Another one of Yoongi's employees said as they poked their head in.

"Oh... I'm sorry... um... what- what's up?" Yoongi asked with a sigh.

His employee hesitated and looked down before they spoke. "I... I lost the file sir." They mumbled.

Yoongi stared at them. "The one with Jungkook's song? You- YOU FUCKING LOST IT?! I-! ... Leave. Get out." Yoongi said, sighing out as the door clicked shut.

Yoongi breathed deeply as he counted in his head to calm himself down. He sighed again as he heard his office door open once more.

"I said-"

"Hyung..." Jungkook said.

Yoongi opened his eyes. They softened as he looked at the younger boy. "Jungkook- oh Jungkook I am so so so sorry. I- your song? It um... we- we lost the file." Yoongi said.

Jungkook looked the elder over before he looked back at the door. "I just came to burrow a pen..." Jungkook said.

Yoongi frowned. "A pen... you don't have any?"

Jungkook shook his head as he approached Yoongi's desk. Yoongi looked up at him. "How do you not have one?" Yoongi asked.

Jungkook shrugged. "Just don't..." he said.

Yoongi sighed softly as he looked at his pen. "This pen is very very special to me and I want it back." Yoongi said as he handed it over.

Jungkook smiled and nodded. "Thank you hyung. I'll take good care of it." Jungkook said. "So... what do we do about my song?" Jungkook asked before he sat down in the chair across from Yoongi.

Yoongi sighed as the thunder rolled loudly. "I have no clue... do you maybe remember it enough-"

"Yeah! We could go right now and work on it, hyung!"

"Boss. I'm not your friend. I'm your boss. Understand?" Yoongi asked.

Jungkook nodded. "I'm sorry! It's just that Namjoon lets me call him hyung and well... I'm sorry." Jungkook said.

Yoongi nodded. "Apology accepted. Now come on, let's go get one fucking thing done right today." Yoongi said as he stood and grabbed his things before he lead Jungkook out of his office and to the main studio.

They stayed there and worked all night, Yoongi ordering food for them in between recordings. "Jungkook-ah, food's here." Yoongi said as he walked back into the studio from retrieving the delivered food.

Crave | YoonKook {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now