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Yoongi groaned as he was pushed a bit.

"Daddy get up! I made breakfast!"

Yoongi opened his eyes and looked up at Minji before he looked around his studio before he looked down at his phone. He and Taehyung were still on the call.

Yoongi rubbed his eyes and jumped a bit as a deep voice came through.

"Good morning, hyung." Taehyung said.

Yoongi looked at the time. "Taehyung, aren't you at work?" Yoongi asked.

Taehyung hummed. "Yeah, but I didn't want hang up and not say good morning so I just muted myself when I was with patients.

Yoongi stretched. "It's almost eleven in the morning. You stayed on the phone with me for ten hours just so say good morning?"

"Simp." Minji said under her breath.

Yoongi looked up at her and furrowed his eyebrows before he stood up and walked with her out of his studio.

Taehyung chuckled. "Yeah... uh I guess I could of just texted you. Sorry-"

"No! Don't be! It was really sweet! Thank you... oh my god, Minji... uh... you made breakfast..." Yoongi said as they walked into his now messy kitchen. Minji proudly stood by their plates of food, Yoongi wasn't even sure of what it was.

Taehyung whined a bit. "I want some! What is it?" He asked.

Yoongi tilted his head a bit. "I uh... I don't really know, maybe the chef can tell you. I'm going to go was my face real quick. Baby you can go ahead and start eating, you've already waited this long." Yoongi said before he handed her the phone and walked to the bathroom.

Minji set the phone down for a moment. "Hold on oppa! I'm gonna take these to the table!" She said before she grabbed the plates and took them into the dining room. She came back and grabbed their glasses of orange juice before grabbing the utensils and Yoongi's phone.

"I made pancakes and eggs! I'm pretty sure I got all the shells out." She said. Taehyung laughed a bit. "I'm sure it's still good! And the shells won't kill you!"

Yoongi walked back in and sat down next to her and smiled. "Thank you for making me breakfast, Minji." He said softly as he gently petted her head before he picked up his utensils.

Minji was the first to try it. Yoongi watched her and Taehyung silently waited for their reactions. Yoongi raised his eyebrows as he watched her face after she took a bite.

Minji grabbed her napkin and brought it to her mouth. "Don't eat it..." she said.

Yoongi smiled as she pouted. "Baby, it's the thought that counts! Right Taehyungie?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah! I wish someone would make me breakfast." He said.

Minji looked at Yoongi. "Maybe we can make it together for Taehyung-oppa." She said.

Yoongi blushed. "Maybe... someday... uh but since we have to go shopping, why don't we clean this all up and go get brunch?" Yoongi asked.

Minji smiled and nodded. "Can we go to that one restaurant where we had Jungkook-oppa's birthday party last year?" She asked.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh that little one? Mandu-4-U or something like that?"

Minji smiled. "Yeah! Can we?!"

Yoongi smiled and nodded. "Don't see why not. Come on, let's go clean." He said before she started to take their uneaten food back into the kitchen.

"I've been wanting to try that place." Taehyung said.

Yoongi smiled to himself. "Maybe we should go together."

"Like... now?" Taehyung asked.

Yoongi blushed. "Oh uh no... I mean unless you wanted to? But you're at work. I just meant like after a couple dates or for a date maybe..."

Taehyung chuckled causing Yoongi to blush more. "Maybe- shit. I gotta go. But I'll text you hyung... thanks for staying up and talking to me last night. I got an extra hour of sleep than I normally do.... so, thank you." Taehyung said.

Yoongi smiled. "You're welcome. Have a good rest of your day, Taehyungie."

"You too, hyung..."

Yoongi giggled. "I'm going to hang up now because I don't think you will."

Taehyung laughed softly. "Ah you know me so well already." He said.

Yoongi smiled and bit his bottom lip to keep it from spreading. "Good bye, Taehyungie..." Yoongi said sweetly and softly.

"Bye, hyung. Have fun with Minji. Tell her I said goodbye too!"

Yoongi laughed. "I will... I'm going to hang up now..."

Taehyung sighed. "Okay, hyung... wait!"

Yoongi smiled and playfully rolled his eyes. "Yes?" He asked.

"Can I call you later tonight? Talking to you really did help me sleep..."

Yoongi blushed and nodded before he lightly hit his forehead. "Uh yes. Yeah... I'd like that."

"Sweet! Okay then I'll talk to you later! But I'll definitely text you first. Have fun, eat well-"

"You're stalling." Yoongi whispered softly.

"Aha... yeah..."

"It's only a couple hours. You need to focus on work. We'll talk later, I promise." Yoongi said.

"Okay... bye hyung."

Yoongi giggled at Taehyung's pouty voice. "Bye TaeTae." Yoongi said before he ended the call. He placed his phone in his pocket and grabbed the rest of the dishes. He smiled as he watched Minji fill up the dishwasher before his smile grew as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

Minji looked up at Yoongi and smiled as he did. "I like seeing you happy, Daddy... I really really like Taehyung-oppa." She said.

Yoongi smiled and blushed a bit. "Yeah well... I do too. But baby, I don't want you to get too attached... just in case something happens..."

"Since Yunsuk is a baby, I call being the flower girl at your wedding!" Minji said ignoring Yoongi.

Yoongi chuckled and shook his head. "Come on, we have a lot to do today."

Namjoon sighed softly as he pulled his jacket on in front of the full mirror in their bedroom. He looked at Hoseok's still figure on their bed through it and pouted. "Baby... I don't have to go to work... I can stay with you." He said softly as he turned and walked over to him, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Hoseok held onto the pillow tighter and continued to stare at the wall. "I'll be okay... you have a company to run... with even more work than normal because of Yoongi." Hoseok said.

Namjoon sighed. "Yeah... but if you need me, I want to be here for you... you might be able to hide it from Yoongi... but not from me. I know how you're feeling and I don't want to leave you when you're feeling like this. It's okay to not be okay... but you don't have to go through it alone." Namjoon said softly.

Hoseok sat up and looked at Namjoon with tears in his eyes. "...could I have some tea?" Namjoon immediately stood up and took his jacket off, laying it on the foot of their bed before he headed to the door. "Citrus?" He asked.

Hoseok nodded. "Thank you..." he said softly before he began to cry. Namjoon quickly walked back over to Hoseok and hugged him tightly, kissing his forehead afterwards. "I'll be back in a couple minutes." He whispered softly before pressing one last kiss to the elder's forehead.

Hoseok began to cry more, not letting go of Namjoon.

"I love you, we'll get you through this together." Namjoon whispered before he gently ran his fingers through Hoseok's hair as the elder clung to him, tears streaming down his face.

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